Expectations for Virtual Learning


To support your child’s online learning, we encourage parents and guardians to take the following steps.

  • Create an environment free of distractions so your student can focus.
  • Check-in often with your student to make sure they are doing what is expected.
  • Encourage your student to stay focused and on task.
  • Help your student daily by asking if they have questions.
  • Communicate with your student’s teachers when there are concerns.
  • Find ways for your student to connect with others socially so there is continued contact with peers.


To be successful while learning virtually, we encourage students to take the following steps.

  • Engage in the activities your teachers create and assign.
  • Ask questions when you are unsure of what to do.
  • Stick to a schedule of when to log on and when to submit your work. Time management is often a big key to success.
  • Follow the same behavioral expectations that you would when attending school in person.
  • Use virtual learning as an opportunity to challenge yourself. Recognize that your success is dependent on the effort that you put into the coursework.