New Student Registration

kindergarten registration banner

2025-2026 School Year Registration 

Kindergarten Registration 
York Suburban School District is now accepting kindergarten registrations for the 2025-2026 school year. To enroll, a child must turn 5 years of age prior to the first day of September of the upcoming school year. Two of our four elementary schools serve kindergarten. Your kindergarten student will attend Valley View Elementary or Yorkshire Elementary, based on where you live in the District. Kindergarten in the York Suburban School District is a full day.

Registration for Grades 1-12 
On June 2, 2025, registration will open for students who will be entering grades 1-12 during the 2025-2026 school year.

Please Note: Students who are transferring from another district during the 2024-2025 school year may be registered at any time. 

How to Register a Student

York Suburban School District uses an online, electronic registration process requiring a computer, internet, and the ability to scan documents. Printed versions of the registration forms are not available.

When you are ready to start the process, visit this link to register and select the appropriate school year and your preferred language (for kindergarten registrations, please be sure to select NEXT school year). Afterward, follow the prompts and instructions to move through the electronic application. If you are unable to complete the registration process all at once, you may save your work and log back in to continue where you left off. Be sure to submit all required information and requested documentation (listed below). We recommend you scan and save each document electronically prior to starting the application.

If you need assistance with your online registration, please contact the Registration Office by emailing or by calling 717-885-1215 during regular business hours. You can also schedule an appointment with the registration office by clicking here.

Required Documentation

For registration, parents and guardians MUST provide the following documentation. Until these materials are received, the District cannot finalize your student's registration. Documents can be scanned using an app (such as CamScanner) or a traditional scanner connected to a computer.

Proof of Residency - Two documents will be required as proof of residency, one from each of the following sections:

  • Section 1
    • A current lease listing the names of the minor occupants, among other basic requirements
    • The most recent real estate tax bill if it’s in the name of at least one of the student’s biological parents or legal guardians with whom the student lives
    • If the home was purchased within the last six months, the final, signed version of the Closing Disclosure or Settlement Statement will be accepted (if it’s in the name of at least one of the student’s biological parents or legal guardians with whom the student lives and a real estate tax bill has not yet been received)
    • Completed residency affidavit if the biological parents or legal guardians with whom the student lives do not rent and do not own the home
  • Section 2
    • Current PA driver's license or photo ID
    • Current PA vehicle registration
    • Property Tax Bill
    • Current homeowner renter insurance paperwork
    • Current vehicle insurance paperwork
    • Current utility bill (gas, electric, water, sewer)
    • Copy of a current tax return
    • Current bank statement

Photo ID of the parent/guardian completing the applicationIf the name on the photo ID does not match the name on the child's birth certificate, please have a marriage certificate or other name change document available to upload.

Immunization records for the student(s)

Birth certificate for the student(s)

  • IMPORTANT: Students enrolled in kindergarten must turn five before September 1st. Students being enrolled in first grade must turn six before September 1st.
  • Replacement certificates for those born in Pennsylvania can be obtained by contacting the Division of Vital Records at:

Guardianship and/or Custody Paperwork (if applicable)

Additional Items - The following items are not required to complete your student's registration but must be submitted prior to the student's first day. We recommend they be uploaded during the registration process whenever possible.


If you enter your information and click on the button to begin a new registration, but it appears that nothing happens, follow these steps:

  • Check to see if the subsequent screen was opened by your browser in a new, minimized window.
  • Make sure your browser’s pop-up blocker is configured to allow pop-ups, or you may not be able to move through the system properly.  How to turn off the pop-up blocker is a good resource if you are unfamiliar with how to do this.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens after I submit an application for a new or returning student?

After you submit an application, you will receive email updates as the status of the application changes. The student is not enrolled in York Suburban until your application is reviewed by the appropriate District personnel and approved. After it is approved, you will receive an email with more details about the next steps. If the application is not approved, you will receive an email about what needs to be changed in order for the it to be approved or an explanation as to why the student is not eligible to be enrolled in York Suburban.

If your application is approved over the summer, you will likely start to receive communication from the student’s school building closer to the start of the new school year. If you are transferring a student to York Suburban during the current school year, the student is typically able to start within 2-3 school days after the application is approved. The school building will contact you once an official start date has been determined.

What if I do not have the appropriate technology at home?

If you do not have the appropriate technology at home, you can complete the application and scan your documents at the following locations:

  • Lee R. Glatfelter Library; 1031 Edgecomb Avenue, York, PA 17403; (717)771-4020
  • Schmidt Library; 441 Country Club Road, York, PA 17403; (717)815-1304
  • Martin Library; 159 E Market Street, York, PA 17401; (717)846-5300
  • Ronald H. Provard Education Center; 1800 Hollywood Drive, York, PA 17403; (717)885-1210

At some locations, you may need to provide your own USB flash drive in order to transfer electronic files from the scanner to the computer.

Who can I contact for assistance?

Please contact the Central Registration office at or (717)885-1215 during regular business hours for assistance. You can also schedule an appointment with the registration office by clicking here.

Compulsory  School Attendance Requirements

All children from the age of six through the age of 18 must comply with compulsory school attendance requirements. To meet these requirements, parents must ensure that their child between the ages of 6 and 18 is attending or participating in one of the following: a public elementary, middle, or high school; a public charter or cyber-charter school; a private licensed academic or private religious school; home tutoring by a certified teacher; or an approved program of homeschooling. 

Additional Resources

Attendance Zone & Transportation Map
Although we cannot guarantee the complete accuracy of this map, especially near the district's borders, we hope you find it helpful in determining if a residence is in the York Suburban School District.

Grade Levels by Building
Kindergarten, First and Second Grade

Valley View Elementary and Yorkshire Elementary

Third, Fourth, and Fifth Grade
East York Elementary and Indian Rock Elementary

Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Grade
York Suburban Middle School

Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, and Twelfth Grade
York Suburban High School

Change of Address Form
If you have a change of address within the York Suburban School District, please complete the Change of Address Form and provide the necessary proof of residency. Student records will be updated, and transportation arrangements will be made AFTER receiving all requested documentation.

YWCA Childcare
The District works with the YWCA to provide childcare for all elementary students. If you want to learn more, please complete their Inquiry Form and someone from the YWCA will contact you.

Link to Inquiry Form

Please Note: Valley View and Yorkshire Elementary Schools host YWCA's child care. Students attending East York or Indian Rock Elementary Schools will be bused to one of those locations.