Curriculum & Instruction
Dr. Denise Fuhrman
Director of Curriculum and Instruction
717-885-1210, ext. 1123
Curriculum Statement
The York Suburban School District is dedicated to a well-rounded education for all students. The District implements a challenging curriculum that is aligned to the Pennsylvania Core Standards and fulfills the District's mission. Each discipline is carefully studied by teams of experienced teachers and administrators to maintain academic rigor, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.
Additionally, the York Suburban School District is dedicated to providing our 21st Century graduates with the knowledge, abilities, and habits to enter and complete postsecondary education or training programs that will move into successful careers. To achieve this outcome, students must acquire robust employability skills: the ability to communicate, solve problems, think critically, persevere, set goals, and work in teams. These skills are essential to equipping students to pursue their career opportunities with confidence and contribute positively to their communities. Each grade level is committed to building the aforementioned capacities in all students; as such, these skills are skillfully woven into the curriculum.
Curriculum Blueprint
Click here to view parent and student-friendly summaries of YSSD courses and units within those courses.
PA Core Standards
Pennsylvania Core Standards define the knowledge and skills our students need as defined by the state of Pennsylvania. York Suburban Curriculum is developed by our teaching staff to align with these standards.
About the Future Ready PA Index
The Future Ready PA Index is a collection of school progress measures related to school and student success. The Index includes a range of assessment, on-track, and readiness indicators to more accurately report student learning, growth, and success in the classroom and beyond.
District Profiles
- York Suburban High School
- York Suburban Middle School
- Indian Rock Elementary School
- East York Elementary School
- Valley View Elementary School
- Yorkshire Elementary School
Progress Categories
State Assessment Measures
- Percent proficient in PSSA and Keystone Exam results in math, English Language Arts, and science
- Annual growth expectations through the Pennsylvania Value-Added Assessment System
On-Track Measures
- English Language proficiency
- Chronic absenteeism
- Grade 3 reading/grade 7 math early indicators of success
College and Career Measures
- Graduation rate
- Career readiness benchmark
- Industry-based learning (such as industry standards-based competency assessments, high-value industry recognized credentials or work-based experiences)
- Rigorous courses of study, including Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, college courses or CTE career pathways