

Jessica Thompson
Director of Facilities
717-885-1210, ext. 1151

Rob Ramp

Coordinator of Buildings and Grounds
717-885-1210, ext. 1152

School Custodians

Please refer to the building staff pages for school custodian contact information.

Annual Notices

Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) Notification

In compliance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), the District has a proactive asbestos management plan. This plan includes routine inspections, bi-annually and every third year by state certified inspectors. All state certified inspectors are trained and certified for US EPA Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response (Act 40 C.F.R. 763).

The following District building is asbestos free:

  • Yorkshire Elementary School

The following District buildings have some asbestos containing materials such as fume hoods, soffits, floor tiles, fitting insulation, adhesives:

  • York Suburban High School
  • York Suburban Middle School
  • East York Elementary School
  • Indian Rock Elementary School
  • Valley View Elementary School

If interested, Asbestos Management Plans are available to view at the District Facility Building, 1800 Hollywood Dr, York, PA 17403.

Integrated Pest Management Act 36 of 2002

The District utilizes an Integrated Pest Management Plan (IPM) for managing insects, rodents and vegetation. The goal of the YSSD plan is to protect students, staff and the public from exposure to pesticides and herbicides through an IPM approach. The IPM program focuses on making all school buildings an unfavorable habitat for pests by removing food and water sources and eliminating hiding and breeding spaces. This is accomplished through regular cleaning and maintenance.

When necessary, chemicals may be used to treat pests or vegetation problems. If chemicals are used, notices will be posted in the treatment areas seventy-two (72) hours prior to an application and will remain posted for forty-eight (48) hours after application.

If a chemical application must be made to control an emergency pest problem where notices can not be posted, phone calls will be made to parents/guardians who have requested such notification in writing. To receive notification, you must be placed on the District notification registry. All requests for additions to the registry must be made in writing to the address below by December 4. Please include your name, student name(s) and grade, your home address, day and evening phone numbers, and the building(s) where your children attend school. Each year, YSSD prepares a new registry.

Exemptions to this notification include disinfectants and antimicrobial products, self-contained baits placed in areas not accessible to students, gel type baits placed in cracks, crevices, and voids, and swimming pool maintenance chemicals.

Registry requests should be addressed to: Robert Ramp, IPM Coordinator, York Suburban School District, 1800 Hollywood Drive, York, PA 17403.

Lead Testing

Click here to view the presentation made in November 2024 by Jessica Thompson, Director of Facilities, on lead testing in District schools.