Human Resources
Felicia Stanley
Human Resources Manager
717-885-1210, ext. 1125
Resources for Current Employees
EAP Information
Do You Have Questions About Benefits?
Title IX Information
The York Suburban School District does not discriminate in any manner, including Title IX sexual harassment, in any District education program or activity. The District has established Title IX personnel to promptly respond to concerns and reports of sexual harassment and assault. All investigations into reports of sexual harassment and assault will be impartial, free of bias and conflicts, and will not prejudge the facts for either side. The District strives to maintain an environment where all students, staff, and the greater community feel safe.
Please visit our Title IX page for more information.
Join Our Team
District Openings
Click here to view current Administrative, Professional/Teaching, Support, and Athletic/Activity vacancies in Frontline.
Substitute Teaching
The District uses Substitute Teacher Service (STS) to provide Substitute teachers, Guest Teachers and Substitute Nurses for our schools. To register with STS for one of these opportunities, please click here. If you have any questions about STS, please contact their human resources department at 610-566-6466.
Food Services
The District works with Whitsons Culinary Group to staff our Food Services Department. Click here to apply.
New and Returning Volunteers
It is important to note that the School Board approves all volunteers. For information on the application process and directions on how to renew clearances if you have already been approved, please visit the Volunteer Information page.
Parent-Teacher Organizations (PTO) and Parent-School Organizations (PSO)
If you are interested in getting involved in a building-level parent-teacher organization or parent support organization, click on a building name for more details.
- Valley View Elementary PTO
- Yorkshire Elementary PTO
- East York Elementary PTO
- Indian Rock Elementary PTO
- Middle School PSO
College Student Field Experience
York Suburban School District is pleased to help college education majors pursue their required field experience hours by inviting them into our classrooms. Students will be exposed to a variety of instructional techniques and curriculum objectives even in a short period of time. However, to ensure the safety and security of our students as well as ensuring the college student has a meaningful experience, students must follow these procedures.
The student must request permission to complete observation hours in one of York Suburban School District's six buildings. The request must be sent to the school's principal in writing (email is permitted). Email addresses for each principal can be found on our Contact Us page. The request must include the following:
- The student's name
- The associated college course
- The number of hours needed
- The specific dates and times when the student will be available
- The content area the student wishes to observe
- Stated confirmation that the student has obtained the three required clearances
Requests must be received at least two weeks in advance of any observation. Furthermore, each school building limits the number of observers per content area, so students should make arrangements as soon as possible.
After requests are received and approved, the information will be forwarded to content area teachers, who will make arrangements for observation times directly with the student.
On the first day of the observation, the student must come immediately to the main office. The student is required to provide proof that the student is enrolled in the appropriate college class (a transcript or letter from the professor is acceptable), as well as copies of the student's clearances (State Police, Public Welfare Child Abuse, and FBI Criminal History). The documents will be kept on file in the main office.
On each day of observation, the student must check in at the main office and register as a visitor. Students are expected to be dressed professionally and conduct themselves professionally throughout the process. Failure to do so may result in observation privileges being revoked.
It is a privilege to support future educators, just as we believe it is a privilege for future educators to observe in our school buildings. We appreciate everyone's cooperation in following these procedures so that observations can be both meaningful for the student and also not represent a burden on our teaching staff and students.