Community Member FMX Schedule Request Guide
Please follow the instructions below to create an account and schedule your event.
Creating an Account
Step 1:
Open an internet browser and navigate to
Step 2:
Fill out the community member registration form. Please note fields with an asterisk are required.
Step 3:
After filling out the form, you will receive an email with a confirmation link. Click the link to confirm your account and log in. YSSD staff will process and approve your account. Once your account is approved, you will receive a message permitting you to make requests.
Making Requests
Open an internet browser and navigate to
Log in with the email address and password you selected earlier. Then, you will see the District’s schedule calendar, which displays events across the District.
Step 1:
Click Schedule Requests in the left sidebar, then click New request. Requests must be entered at least 21 days (three weeks) prior to your event.
Step 2:
Enter the required fields (marked with an asterisk) and click Submit to submit the schedule request (see picture below). Please be as descriptive as possible.
- Request Type - Please use “COMMUNITY EVENT”. Athletic events should only be used for PIAA events or events entered by the Athletic Director.
- Event Name – Name of your event
- Buildings – The building where your event will take place
- Resources – The room(s)/area(s) where your event will take place, you may select more than one
- Starts – Date for your event, you may select any day in any order, there is no maximum. Click on the calendar icon to select
- From/To – The time your event starts and stops. If the area or time frame you are requesting is already in use, you cannot make your request. Please find an alternate date/time or location and try again.
- Repeats – Use this to do a recurrence by daily, weekly, monthly, yearly or a custom schedule
- Setup Time – Time before your event to set up
- Teardown Time – Time after your event to tear down
- On behalf of – The person you are scheduling for if not yourself
- Number of Attendees – How many people you expect
- Event set up/Food Service/Technology details – Enter details here like microphones, tables, podium etc.
- Additional Event Details – Please be as descriptive as possible with the details of your event including any additional outside vendors, equipment, custodial support, etc. that you may need.
- Will restrooms be required for your event? - Check the box if yes
- Stadium/Trojan Field lighting required? - Use drop down box to select yes or no
- Attachments – If you have a picture or document related to your request you may add it here.
- CLICK SAVE – If your request is in conflict with another event, you will not be able to submit your request. Please select an alternate date.
Step 3:
Check your email for your request confirmation and a link to check the status of your request. New requests will have a “Pending” status until they have been approved by the Administrators. When your request has been approved you will receive an email saying your request is “finalized and approved”. Your event is not fully approved until you receive an email stating it is FINALIZED. This process may take up to three weeks.
Editing a Scheduled Request
Step 1:
Find the schedule request you wish to edit (on the calendar or in the schedule requests grid), then click the Edit icon (from the grid) or click on the request and then click the Edit icon (from the calendar, see picture below).
Step 2:
After making the necessary editing changes click Save.
Responding to a Scheduled Request
Step 1:
Find the schedule request you wish to respond to (on the calendar or in the schedule requests grid), then click Respond.
Step 2:
Enter a response.
Step 3:
Click Respond to send your response. This will generate an email notification to all users involved with the request.