Class of 2024 - Senior and Graduation Information
Graduation Ceremony - 7:00 PM - May 23, 2024
We will use this page to share information for seniors and their families through the rest of the spring.
Graduation Live Stream
For friends and family who are unable to attend. The ceremony will be livestreamed. LIVE STREAM LINK
Graduation Photos
We will once again be partnering with photography partners for a class photo and for individual photographs of each student as they walk across the stage.
Receiving Diploma Photo (from our photo partner Lifetouch) - Following the ceremony, families can purchase photos of their student receiving their diploma from Dr. Krauser. Families can register for access to the photo gallery before the ceremony. Information is available via this link.
Class of 2024 Photo - An 8x10 copy of the Class of 2024 photo that will hang in the center hallways is available via Infinite Campus in the School Store. Student Access Parent Access Photos can be purchased through May 31.
Senior Gifts
We have once again partnered with the commencement group to offer last minute gifts for our seniors. Parents can pre-order items such as flowers and pick them up as they enter the ceremony. A portion of the proceeds comes back to York Suburban to support future graduating classes.
Event Information
Graduation (May 23) - We will celebrate the Class of 2024 at our graduation ceremony on May 23 at 7:00 PM. We plan to hold the event in our stadium, and will use the gymnasium if we have inclement weather. In the case of an outdoor ceremony, no tickets are necessary. The gates will open at 6:15 PM. If the ceremony moves indoors, each graduate will receive four tickets for the ceremony and we will have a livestream available in the auditorium for additional guests. The tickets will be given to students at graduation practice. We will also have an internet live stream available to any family and friends who are unable to attend in person.
"Cupcake” Reception (May 23)- As in past years, we will have a brief drop-in reception for our graduates and their families following our graduation ceremony on May 23. A number of parent volunteers will be sharing light desserts in our cafeteria and families can also take a walk down memory lane and enjoy the student posters that parents have been preparing. No RSVP or reservation is required; however, the event is funded through donations. Information about donating to the activity has been provided through social media. If you wish to volunteer to support the event you can do so here.
York Suburban Awards Night (May 7) - On this night we recognize students, mostly seniors, who have won or received special scholarships and awards. We will host the event in our auditorium. All students who are receiving awards will be notified in late April, and students are welcome to invite as many guests as they would like to join the celebration.
York Suburban Academic Awards (May 15) - On this night we recognize our highest academic achievers for the school year. We will host this event in our auditorium again this year. Invitations to the students who receive these recognitions and more information about the event will go out in late April. Students in grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 are recognized for their academic accomplishments and/or exemplary performance in specific courses during the school year. Following the ceremony, there will be a small reception for our award winners and their guests.
Parent Tasks & Information
Senior Memory Lane Poster - Parents can begin working on Senior Posters! Information about the posters is available here.

Photo Memories - In a similar spirit to the senior posters, we want to collect additional photos of our seniors as they spent time together throughout their lives. We would especially like ones from school events with at least two students together (field trips, classroom pics, Orange & Black day, Teddy Bear Parades, ...) Please share your favorite photos (please no more than 5). We plan to share the photos with the seniors during graduation. Please take a moment to upload those individual files here: photo upload.
Your Student’s Name - All parents should have received an email in February that references how their student's name will appear on the diploma and in the graduation plan along with information on how to change it if they wish. By default we use the first, middle, and last name that was used when students were enrolled in the district. Any parent that did not receive the email is asked to call the high school office so the school can be sure it will be displayed correctly.
Student Tasks & Information
Graduation Practice - [UPDATED 5/13] If you are participating in the graduation ceremony, you are required to attend graduation practice. The current plans are for practice to take place from 9:00-1:00 10:45 - 1:30 on Wednesday, May 22 and from 8:30-11:30 8:00 - 11:00 on Thursday, May 23. Students are asked to arrive no more than 15 minutes prior to the starting time. In addition to practicing for the ceremony, there are a number of related events happening for the seniors including the Graduation Walkthrough and the Senior Barbeque.
School Belongings - Unless you are working to complete late assignments, please plan to turn in your school items to your teachers by Friday, May 17.
Chromebooks - All seniors have the option to keep their Chromebook. Students who have maintained insurance for four years may keep it for free. All other seniors can purchase it for $45. You will receive an email from Vince Henry which will update you as to which group you fall into. All seniors who are planning to keep their device should stop by the library the week of May 13 to “check it out permanently.” Any seniors planning to return their device, should plan to return it on May 20 or 21.
Cap & Gowns - Students will receive their cap and gown during graduation practice the morning of May 22. The caps and gowns were automatically ordered for all the students. Students will be able to keep their cap and gown and will need to wear it to practice on May 23 and during the graduation ceremony also on May 23.
Cap Decoration - Given that the students may keep their caps this year, students will be permitted to decorate them if they wish.
Senior Last Day of Classes - The last day of classes for seniors will be Tuesday, May 21.
Senior Exit Survey - All seniors must complete the senior exit survey. The exit survey consists of a number of pieces of information that we collect about you before you move on to “bigger and better things.” It helps us recognize your accomplishments while also collecting information to help us evaluate our school system so as to benefit future classes of students. Please plan to complete these items by the dates noted below. The two pieces of the survey include:
- College Applications (Due Apr. 26). As part of the exit survey, we collect information regarding college acceptances. This survey is designed to collect that information efficiently. Please complete this survey for each of the schools you applied to.
- Senior Destination Survey (Due Apr. 26). Each year the state requires that we collect general information about future plans. This survey is designed to collect that information as well as a few other pieces of information that we can use to stay in contact with you and to plan programming for future students.
- Sharing your Scholarship Awards (Due May 10). Each year we collect information on the various scholarship awards you have earned to share as part of the graduation ceremony. Please complete this form for any scholarships you have earned including grants and scholarships from the college/university you are attending. If you earn multiple scholarships, you will complete this form multiple times, so you can complete this form as you receive various scholarships.