Agenda 2024-08-26
York Suburban Board Of School Directors
Regular Monthly Meeting
August 26, 2024 – 7 p.m.
Location: York Suburban High School Cafeteria
- General Business
- Call to Order – Mrs. Schroeder, Board President
- Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
- Roll Call
- A reminder to please silence your cell phones during the meeting.
- Opportunity for Public Comment on Agenda Items.
- This Public Comment period is an opportunity to be heard by the Board on Agenda Items only. Comments are to be directed to the entire Board, not one individual Board member, Administration, staff member, or the audience. Comments will be timed and limited to three minutes or less. Please note, Board and staff members will not normally respond to comments or questions during the meeting. When you hear your name called, please come forward. You do not need to state your name or address before sharing your remarks.
- Discussion and Action on Board Minutes
- Approval of the minutes from the planning committee meeting conducted on August 12, 2024. [Approval as submitted/corrected]
- Call to Order – Mrs. Schroeder, Board President
- Treasurer’s Report – Mr. Desai
- Consent Agenda: Would any Board member like any of these items considered separately or are there any questions on any of these items? If not, the chair moves approval of the below-mentioned items. [Roll Call Vote]
- Approval of the July 2024 Financial Reports. [File for audit]
- Treasurer’s Reports
- General Fund Revenue Report
- General Fund Expenditure Report
- Summary Reports
- Capital Project (July), Updated Capital Project (June), Capital Reserve, Food Service
- Check Summary Reports
- Student Activities Fund Revenue Report
- Student Activities Fund Expenditure Report – No report.
- Student Activity Check Summary
- Approval of the July 2024 Financial Reports. [File for audit]
- Consent Agenda: Would any Board member like any of these items considered separately or are there any questions on any of these items? If not, the chair moves approval of the below-mentioned items. [Roll Call Vote]
- Board President’s Report – Mrs. Schroeder
- The Board met in a conferencing session at 5:45 p.m. on August 26, 2024, for the purpose of Board professional development.
- Student Board Representative Report – Nicole Escano Henriquez
- Superintendent’s Report – Dr. Krauser
- Focus Topic
- Mr. Seth Wentz of Crabtree, Rohrbaugh, & Associates: Intermediate and High School Project Planning and Design Update
- Focus Topic
- Business Office Report – Mrs. Kendig
- Consent Agenda: You have before you the Business Office Report. Would any Board member like any of these items considered separately or are there any questions on any of these items? If not, I ask that a motion be made to approve the below-mentioned items. [Motion; Discussion; Roll Call Vote]
- The Administration recommends Board approval of the Master Service Agreement with Lincoln Intermediate Unit 12 to provide discounted rates for Imagine Language and Literacy Reusable Licenses for ELL students for the 2024-25 school year at a total cost of $2,207.25.
- The Administration recommends Board approval of the Agreement with Specialized Education of Pennsylvania, Inc that owns and operates High Road School of Southern York to provide Autistic Support Services for the 2024-25 school year at a cost outlined in Exhibit A of the agreement.
- The Administration recommends Board approval of the renewal of an agreement with Johnson Controls Fire Protection for the 2024-25 school year in the amount of $33,935.00. This is a $12,625 reduction from last year’s amount.
- The Administration recommends Board approval of the agreement with Republic Services for the 2024-25 school year for the removal/recycling of facility and HS science chemicals in the amount of $10,113.07. This is a $1,003.26 reduction from last year’s amount.
- The Administration recommends Board approval of the Agreement with Specialized Education of Pennsylvania, Inc that owns and operates High Road School of York to reserve 10 seats to provide behavioral, social, emotions and special education services to students for the 2024-25 school year. The total cost is $336,600.00.
- The Administration recommends Board approval of the Student Placement Agreement for one student who will participate in the Life Skills Support classroom for the 2024-25 school year located at Eastern York High School for a total cost of $31,860.00.
- The Administration recommends Board approval of the three (3) year Clinical Experience Agreement with Western Governors University for pre-service teachers to complete field experiences and student teaching in the District. There is no cost for these services.
- Consent Agenda: You have before you the Business Office Report. Would any Board member like any of these items considered separately or are there any questions on any of these items? If not, I ask that a motion be made to approve the below-mentioned items. [Motion; Discussion; Roll Call Vote]
- Academic Standards & Curriculum Committee Report – Dr. Sullivan
- Communications Committee Report – Mrs. Freireich
- Communications Update
- Capital Campaign Feasibility Study and Grant Research Project Update
- Personnel Committee Report – Mr. Robinson
- Consent Agenda: You have before you the Personnel Report. Would any Board member like any of these items considered separately or are there any questions on any of these items? If not, the chair moves approval of the below-mentioned items. [Roll Call Vote]
- Employment
- Recommend the board to approve Nicole Henry, Long-Term Substitute Teacher, at York Suburban School District, for one school year (2024-2025) only with an annual salary of $64,670. This represents Bachelors, step 1, of the YSESA negotiated agreement.
- Recommend the board to approve Brandon White, Health and Wellness Teacher, at York Suburban Middle School, for the 2024-2025 school year with an annual salary of $75,170. This represents Masters, step 1 of the YSEA negotiated agreement.
- Recommend the board approve Jade Heggins, Paraprofessional, at York Suburban Middle School, for the 2024-2025 school year with an hourly rate of $14.70 per hour. This represented step 2 of the YSESPA Paraprofessional wage schedule.
- Recommend the board approve Korey Klein, Custodian, at York Suburban School District, for the 2024-2025 school year with an hourly rate of $16.43 per hour. This represents step 1 of the YSESPA Custodian (SC3) wage schedule.
- Leave
- Recommend the board approve an extended leave of absence for Ashley Pixley, Teacher at East York Elementary from November 11, 2024 through December 20, 2024.
- Resignations
- Recommend the board accept the resignation of Sandra Grove, Substitute Paraprofessional, effective August 14, 2024.
- Recommend the board accept the resignation of Nate Neumann, High School Assistant (#1) Softball Coach, effective August 16, 2024.
- Recommend the board accept the resignation of Loree Marchese, Director of Accounting, effective September 3, 2024.
- Recommend the board accept the resignation of Ashley Reinoso, Library Paraprofessional at Yorkshire Elementary, effective August 23, 2024.
- Retirements
- Recommend the board accept the retirement of Susan Herman, Teacher at Valley View Elementary school, effective January 16, 2025. Susan has served 30 years in Public Education with 18 years of dedication to York Suburban School District.
- Reliance
- Pamela Rivera
- Mary Todenhoft
- Richard Franklin
- STS Substitutes
- Jocelyn Kern (Act 86)
- Daviana Musso (Act 86)
- Volunteers
- Heather Jenkins
- Michael Poster
- Whitsons
- Robert Mosley
- Abby Patrick
- Michael Shue
- Employment
- Recommend the Board approve two full-time Personal Care Assistant positions (PCA) starting in the 2024-2025 school year.
- Consent Agenda: You have before you the Personnel Report. Would any Board member like any of these items considered separately or are there any questions on any of these items? If not, the chair moves approval of the below-mentioned items. [Roll Call Vote]
- Property & Finance Committee Report – Mr. Desai
- Lincoln Intermediate Unit Report – Mrs. Freireich
- LIU Joint Operating Authority Report
- York Adams Academy Report – Mrs. Freireich
- Legislative Update – Mr. Robinson
- York Adams Tax Bureau Report – Mrs. Kendig
- York County School of Technology Report – Mrs. Schroeder
- The mini-board report is presented from the Joint Operating Committee meeting held on August 22, 2024.
- Recognition of Visitors
- Upcoming Events
- Board Meeting & Committee Meeting Schedules
- Public Comments
- This Public Comment period is an opportunity to be heard by the Board on Agenda Items or other items which may reasonably come before the Board. Comments are to be directed to the entire Board, not one individual Board member, Administration, staff member, or the audience. Comments will be timed and limited to three minutes or less. Please note, Board and staff members will not normally respond to comments or questions during the meeting. When you hear your name called, please come forward. You do not need to state your name or address before sharing your remarks.
- Board Comments / Recognitions
- Adjournment
Submit a Public Comment
Public comments for this meeting may be made in person or submitted electronically using the Electronic Public Comment Form linked at the bottom of this page. Comments submitted using a method other than the appropriate form will not be considered public comment.
Electronic comments must be submitted by 12:00 p.m. on the day of the meeting. They will be shared with Board members prior to the start of the meeting for their review. Printed copies will also be made available at the meeting for community review.
Electronic comments received after 12:00 p.m. the day of the meeting will be provided to Board members following the meeting for their review and made available at the next Board meeting for community review. We encourage submitting all comments as early as possible to avoid this scenario.
Electronic comments will be noted in the minutes but will not be included as attachments. Additionally, electronic comments will not be read aloud at the meeting or shown on screen unless necessary to accommodate a disability.
For additional information about the District’s In-Person & Electronic Public Comment Guidelines, please click here.