Minutes 2024-10-14
York Suburban Board Of School Directors
Planning Committee Meeting
October 14, 2024 – 7 p.m.
York Suburban High School Cafeteria
(Approved October 28, 2024)
- General Business
- Mrs. Schroeder called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
- Board Members Roll Call
- Present: Ellen Freireich, Nicole Hesson, Richard Robinson, James Sanders, Rolanda SanMartin, Lois Ann Schroeder, Steve Sullivan, and Ashley Turner.
- Absent: Pinal Desai
- An opportunity was provided for public comments on agenda items.
- Michael Darrah (Spring Garden Township) commented on the revised Board policies.
- Approval of Minutes
- The minutes from the regular monthly meeting conducted on September 23, 2024, were approved.
- Board President’s Report
- The Board discussed the PSBA Officer candidates for 2025 and decided to abstain from voting in this election.
- Student Board Representative Report
- Ms. Escano Henriquez reported on the following:
- Career opportunities in manufacturing
- Olivia Diehl’s artwork is being displayed in two local exhibitions.
- Fire Safety Prevention Week
- Athletics
- Commended Scholars
- Trojan Theater
- Valley View’s Fun Run
- Impact Foundation donations
- Ms. Escano Henriquez reported on the following:
- Superintendent’s Report
- All Elementary PTOs and the Middle School PSO provided information on the efforts and activities going on at each building.
- Valley View, East York, and Yorkshire presented slideshows.
- Revised Policies
- The following policy revisions were presented for a first read:
- Policy 222 – Tobacco and Vaping Products
- Policy 227 – Controlled Substances/Paraphernalia
- Policy 323 – Tobacco
- Mrs. Turner recommended adding the word “vaping” back into this policy.
- Policy 351 – Drug and Substance Abuse
- Policy 801 – Public Records
- The following policy revisions were presented for a second read:
- Policy 622 – GASB Statement 34
- Policy 803 – School Calendar
- Policy 805 – Emergency Preparedness and Response
- Policy 806 – Child/Student Abuse
- Policy 816 – Social Media
- The following policy revisions were presented for a first read:
- All Elementary PTOs and the Middle School PSO provided information on the efforts and activities going on at each building.
- Business Office Report
- The following items were presented for discussion. They will be recommended for approval during the regular monthly meeting scheduled for October 28, 2024.
- The Administration recommends Board approval for the appointment of Wisler Pearlstine LLC for special counsel services related to a case of conflict at a rate of $240 per hour for attorney work and $125 per hour for paralegal work.
- The Administration recommends Board approval for the Contracted Services Agreement for Occupational/Physical Therapy Services with Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13 for the 2024-25 school year at an hourly rate of $148.89.
- The Board unanimously approved the contract with Music Theatre International for the rights to perform PIPPIN in February and March 2025. The total cost of the rights is $4,220.00, to be funded through the High School Musical student activity account.
Motion, Freireich, Second, Turner; Approval. Roll Call Vote, 8 members present, yes. Motion carried 8-0.
- The following items were presented for discussion. They will be recommended for approval during the regular monthly meeting scheduled for October 28, 2024.
- Academic Standards & Curriculum Committee Report
- Dr. Fuhrman provided a presentation on the 2023-24 K-12 academic data, followed by principals discussing their building goals and initiatives.
- Communications Committee Report
- Mrs. Fourhman provided an update on communication initiatives, including the monthly electronic newsletter, Trojan Pride printed newsletter, website updates, and social media engagement.
- Personnel Committee Report
- The Board unanimously approved the following items as part of a consent agenda.
Motion, SanMartin, Second, Sullivan; Approval. Roll Call Vote, 8 members present, yes. Motion carried 8-0.- Employment
- Recommend the board to approve Nicole Fry, Director of Accounting Services, at York Suburban School District, with an annual salary of $124,000, in accordance with the Act 93 Administrative Compensation and Retention Plan.
- Recommend the board to approve Luis Hernandez, Custodian at York Suburban School District for the 2024-2025 school year, at $16.43/hr with a $0.35 shift differential. This represents step 1 of the wage schedule as represented in the YSESPA agreement.
- Recommend the board to approve Michelle Joyce, Musical Assistant #1, at York Suburban High School, with an annual stipend of $2,280 (paid out in two installments) as represented in the YSEA bargaining agreement.
- Recommend the board to approve Eric Paules, Musical Assistant #6, at York Suburban High School, with an annual stipend of $1,252 (paid out in two installments) as represented in the YSEA bargaining agreement.
- Recommend the board to approve Corey Mohar, Marching Band Assistant #3, at York Suburban High School, with an annual stipend of $1,140, as represented in the YSEA bargaining agreement.
- Extracurricular
- Recommend the board to approve the reappointments for the 2024-2025 Winter Season.
- Resignation/Termination
- Recommend the board accept the resignation of Heather Mundis, Substitute Nurse at York Suburban School District, effective September 30, 2024.
- Recommend the board approve the rescinded offer of Tyler DiGiovanni, High School Marching Band Assistant #3 effective October 1, 2024.
- Recommend the board accept the resignation of Tia Juana Murray, Paraprofessional at York Suburban Middle School, effective October 2, 2024.
- Recommend the board accept the resignation of Keith Barnes, Custodian at Yorkshire Elementary School, effective October 11, 2024.
- Recommend the board accept the resignation of Gary Calhoun, Custodian at Valley View Elementary School, effective October 11, 2024.
- Retirement:
- Recommend the board accept the retirement of Stephanie Petersen, Administrative Assistant for Athletics, effective January 2, 2025. Stephanie has served 20 years at York Suburban School District.
- Transfers:
- Margaret Sikora from part-time paraprofessional to full-time paraprofessional
- Stacey Kuhn from Reading Specialist at Indian Rock to Reading Specialist at Valley View effective January 3, 2025.
- Rescind the transfer of Jessica Weaver from Special Education Teacher (High School) to Special Education Specialist (across schools – Pupil Services) Jessica will remain in her Teacher role at York Suburban High School.
- Leave of Absence
- Recommend the approval of the full-year sabbatical leave request for Jennifer Martin, High School Learning Support Teacher, for the purpose of professional development in the 2025-2026 school year.
- Approval of New Staff Support positions for 2024-2025
- Volunteers
- Tenitsa Alvarez De La Cruz
- Carlene Arendas
- David Hartman
- Conrad Knudson
- Heather Mitchell
- Keith Murphy
- Tiffany Reever
- Declan Ridings
- Nicole Seitz
- Peggy Street
- Erin Titter
- Victoria Waddail
- Juliana Carrara Farah
- Employment
- The Board unanimously accepted the recommendations of the September 30, 2024, Personnel Committee meeting:
Motion, Turner, Second, Sullivan; Approval. Roll Call Vote, 8 members present, yes. Motion carried 8-0.- Approve YSEA MOU – New Teacher Induction
- Approve the addition of two building substitutes to allow each elementary school to have an allocated building substitute.
- Approve the addendum with the Substitute Teachers Service to increase the daily base rates for substitute teachers for days 1-20 at $125.00 per day and days 21+ at $130/day (STS Addendum for items b-iii and b-iv)
- Approve the addition of an Elementary Librarian position to start in the 2024-2025 school year.
- The Board unanimously approved the following items as part of a consent agenda.
- Property & Finance Committee Report
- Mrs. Kendig provided a brief overview of the Property & Finance Committee Meeting held on September 16, 2024.
- Lincoln Intermediate Unit Report
- Highlights were presented from the LIU Board Meeting held on October 1, 2024.
- LIU Joint Operating Authority Report
- No report was provided.
- York Adams Academy Report
- Highlights were presented from the YAA Board Meeting held on September 24, 2024.
- Legislative Update
- Mr. Robinson provided information on HB2650 and HB2533.
- York Adams Tax Bureau Report
- No report was provided.
- York County School of Technology Report
- The mini-board report was presented from the Joint Operating Committee Meeting held on September 26, 2024.
- Mrs. Schroeder thanked everyone for attending the meeting.
- A list of Upcoming Events was provided.
- The Board Meeting & Committee Meeting Schedules were provided.
- Public Comments
- Jeanne Fermier (Springettsbury Township) commented on the renovation and construction projects.
- Cathy Shaffer (Spring Garden Township) commented on the PSBA Officer Election, the Academic Standards & Curriculum report, and taxes.
- The following electronic comments were received:
- Heather Moore (Spring Garden Township) commented on the report from Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates.
- Jason Moore (Spring Garden Township) commented on the report from Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates.
- Board Comments / Recognitions
- Mr. Sanders suggested committee meetings be held separately.
- Mrs. Schroeder commented on the disinformation that is being spread through the community.
- Adjournment
- The meeting was adjourned at 10:29 pm.