Minutes 2024-10-14

York Suburban Board Of School Directors
Planning Committee Meeting
October 14, 2024 – 7 p.m.
York Suburban High School Cafeteria


(Approved October 28, 2024)

  1. General Business 
    1. Mrs. Schroeder called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
    2. Board Members Roll Call
      1. Present: Ellen Freireich, Nicole Hesson, Richard Robinson, James Sanders, Rolanda SanMartin, Lois Ann Schroeder, Steve Sullivan, and Ashley Turner. 
      2. Absent: Pinal Desai
    3. An opportunity was provided for public comments on agenda items.
      1. Michael Darrah (Spring Garden Township) commented on the revised Board policies.   
    4. Approval of Minutes
      1. The minutes from the regular monthly meeting conducted on September 23, 2024, were approved.
  2. Board President’s Report 
    1. The Board discussed the PSBA Officer candidates for 2025 and decided to abstain from voting in this election. 
  3. Student Board Representative Report 
    1. Ms. Escano Henriquez reported on the following:
      1. Career opportunities in manufacturing
      2. Olivia Diehl’s artwork is being displayed in two local exhibitions.
      3. Fire Safety Prevention Week
      4. Athletics
      5. Commended Scholars
      6. Trojan Theater
      7. Valley View’s Fun Run
      8. Impact Foundation donations
  4. Superintendent’s Report 
    1. All Elementary PTOs and the Middle School PSO provided information on the efforts and activities going on at each building. 
      1. Valley View, East York, and Yorkshire presented slideshows. 
    2. Revised Policies
      1. The following policy revisions were presented for a first read:
        1. Policy 222 – Tobacco and Vaping Products
        2. Policy 227 – Controlled Substances/Paraphernalia
        3. Policy 323 – Tobacco
          1. Mrs. Turner recommended adding the word “vaping” back into this policy. 
        4. Policy 351 – Drug and Substance Abuse
          1. Policy 801 – Public Records
      2. The following policy revisions were presented for a second read:
        1. Policy 622 – GASB Statement 34
        2. Policy 803 – School Calendar
        3. Policy 805 – Emergency Preparedness and Response
        4. Policy 806 – Child/Student Abuse
        5. Policy 816 – Social Media
  5. Business Office Report 
    1. The following items were presented for discussion. They will be recommended for approval during the regular monthly meeting scheduled for October 28, 2024. 
      1. The Administration recommends Board approval for the appointment of Wisler Pearlstine LLC for special counsel services related to a case of conflict at a rate of $240 per hour for attorney work and $125 per hour for paralegal work. 
      2. The Administration recommends Board approval for the Contracted Services Agreement for Occupational/Physical Therapy Services with Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13 for the 2024-25 school year at an hourly rate of $148.89.
    2. The Board unanimously approved the contract with Music Theatre International for the rights to perform PIPPIN in February and March 2025. The total cost of the rights is $4,220.00, to be funded through the High School Musical student activity account.
      Motion, Freireich, Second, Turner; Approval. Roll Call Vote, 8 members present, yes. Motion carried 8-0.
  6. Academic Standards & Curriculum Committee Report 
    1. Dr. Fuhrman provided a presentation on the 2023-24 K-12 academic data, followed by principals discussing their building goals and initiatives.
  7. Communications Committee Report 
    1. Mrs. Fourhman provided an update on communication initiatives, including the monthly electronic newsletter, Trojan Pride printed newsletter, website updates, and social media engagement. 
  8. Personnel Committee Report 
    1. The Board unanimously approved the following items as part of a consent agenda.
      Motion, SanMartin, Second, Sullivan; Approval. Roll Call Vote, 8 members present, yes. Motion carried 8-0.

      1. Employment
        1. Recommend the board to approve Nicole Fry, Director of Accounting Services, at York Suburban School District, with an annual salary of $124,000, in accordance with the Act 93 Administrative Compensation and Retention Plan. 
        2. Recommend the board to approve Luis Hernandez, Custodian at York Suburban School District for the 2024-2025 school year, at $16.43/hr with a $0.35 shift differential. This represents step 1 of the wage schedule as represented in the YSESPA agreement.
        3. Recommend the board to approve Michelle Joyce, Musical Assistant #1, at York Suburban High School, with an annual stipend of $2,280 (paid out in two installments) as represented in the YSEA bargaining agreement. 
        4. Recommend the board to approve Eric Paules, Musical Assistant #6, at York Suburban High School, with an annual stipend of $1,252 (paid out in two installments) as represented in the YSEA bargaining agreement.
        5. Recommend the board to approve Corey Mohar, Marching Band Assistant #3, at York Suburban High School, with an annual stipend of $1,140, as represented in the YSEA bargaining agreement. 
      2. Extracurricular
        1. Recommend the board to approve the reappointments for the 2024-2025 Winter Season.
      3. Resignation/Termination
        1. Recommend the board accept the resignation of Heather Mundis, Substitute Nurse at York Suburban School District, effective September 30, 2024. 
        2. Recommend the board approve the rescinded offer of Tyler DiGiovanni, High School Marching Band Assistant #3 effective October 1, 2024.
        3. Recommend the board accept the resignation of Tia Juana Murray, Paraprofessional at York Suburban Middle School, effective October 2, 2024.
        4. Recommend the board accept the resignation of Keith Barnes, Custodian at Yorkshire Elementary School, effective October 11, 2024.
        5. Recommend the board accept the resignation of Gary Calhoun, Custodian at Valley View Elementary School, effective October 11, 2024.
      4. Retirement: 
        1. Recommend the board accept the retirement of Stephanie Petersen, Administrative Assistant for Athletics, effective January 2, 2025. Stephanie has served 20 years at York Suburban School District. 
      5. Transfers:
        1. Margaret Sikora from part-time paraprofessional to full-time paraprofessional
        2. Stacey Kuhn from Reading Specialist at Indian Rock to Reading Specialist at Valley View effective January 3, 2025.
        3. Rescind the transfer of Jessica Weaver from Special Education Teacher (High School) to Special Education Specialist (across schools – Pupil Services)  Jessica will remain in her Teacher role at York Suburban High School.
      6. Leave of Absence
        1. Recommend the approval of the full-year sabbatical leave request for Jennifer Martin, High School Learning Support Teacher, for the purpose of professional development in the 2025-2026 school year. 
      7. Approval of New Staff Support positions for 2024-2025
      8. Volunteers
        1. Tenitsa Alvarez De La Cruz
        2. Carlene Arendas
        3. David Hartman
        4. Conrad Knudson
        5. Heather Mitchell
        6. Keith Murphy
        7. Tiffany Reever
        8. Declan Ridings
        9. Nicole Seitz
        10. Peggy Street
        11. Erin Titter
        12. Victoria Waddail
        13. Juliana Carrara Farah
    2. The Board unanimously accepted the recommendations of the September 30, 2024, Personnel Committee meeting:
      Motion, Turner, Second, Sullivan; Approval. Roll Call Vote, 8 members present, yes. Motion carried 8-0.

      1. Approve YSEA MOU – New Teacher Induction 
      2. Approve the addition of two building substitutes to allow each elementary school to have an allocated building substitute.
      3. Approve the addendum with the Substitute Teachers Service to increase the daily base rates for substitute teachers for days 1-20 at $125.00 per day and days 21+ at $130/day (STS Addendum for items b-iii and b-iv)
      4. Approve the addition of an Elementary Librarian position to start in the 2024-2025 school year.
  9. Property & Finance Committee Report 
    1. Mrs. Kendig provided a brief overview of the Property & Finance Committee Meeting held on September 16, 2024. 
  10. Lincoln Intermediate Unit Report 
    1. Highlights were presented from the LIU Board Meeting held on October 1, 2024.
    2. LIU Joint Operating Authority Report
      1. No report was provided.
  11. York Adams Academy Report 
    1. Highlights were presented from the YAA Board Meeting held on September 24, 2024.
  12. Legislative Update  
    1. Mr. Robinson provided information on HB2650 and HB2533.
  13. York Adams Tax Bureau Report 
    1. No report was provided.
  14. York County School of Technology Report 
    1. The mini-board report was presented from the Joint Operating Committee Meeting held on September 26, 2024.
  15. Mrs. Schroeder thanked everyone for attending the meeting. 
  16. A list of Upcoming Events was provided.
  17. The Board Meeting & Committee Meeting Schedules were provided.
  18. Public Comments
    1. Jeanne Fermier (Springettsbury Township) commented on the renovation and construction projects.
    2. Cathy Shaffer (Spring Garden Township) commented on the PSBA Officer Election, the Academic Standards & Curriculum report, and taxes.
    3. The following electronic comments were received:
      1. Heather Moore (Spring Garden Township) commented on the report from Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates.
      2. Jason Moore (Spring Garden Township) commented on the report from Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates.
  19.  Board Comments / Recognitions
    1. Mr. Sanders suggested committee meetings be held separately. 
    2. Mrs. Schroeder commented on the disinformation that is being spread through the community. 
  20. Adjournment
    1. The meeting was adjourned at 10:29 pm.