Minutes 2025-01-13
York Suburban Board Of School Directors
Planning Committee Meeting
January 13, 2025 – 7 p.m.
York Suburban High School Cafeteria
(Approved January 27, 2025)
- General Business
- Mrs. Schroeder called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
- Board Members Roll Call
- Present: Ellen Freireich, Nicole Hesson, Richard Robinson, James Sanders, Rolanda SanMartin, Lois Ann Schroeder, Steve Sullivan, and Ashley Turner.
- Absent: Pinal Desai
- An opportunity was provided for public comments on agenda items.
- The following individuals commented on the pool repair update: Jonny Allen (Spring Garden Twp), Emma Bates (Spring Garden Twp), Matteo Caputo (Spring Garden Twp), Michael Darrah (Spring Garden Twp), Mikey Foremsky (Spring Garden Twp), Gina Herink (Springettsbury Twp), Mamoru Ikebe (Springettsbury Twp), Sarah Koller (Spring Garden Twp), Evie Markley (Spring Garden Twp), Chloe Moore (Spring Garden Twp), Logan and Weston Saunders (Springettsbury Twp), Samuel Shoff (Spring Garden Twp), and Lily Youcheff (Spring Garden Twp).
- Danny Barker (Springettsbury Twp) commented on Board governance and communication.
- Randy Quigley (Springettsbury Twp) commented on the Intermediate School construction project.
- Sandy Quigley (Springettsbury Twp) commented on the Intermediate School construction project.
- Ron Rudisill (Springettsbury Twp) commented on the Intermediate School construction project.
- Approval of Minutes
- Board President’s Report
- No report was provided.
- Student Board Representative Report
- Ms. Escano Henriquez reported on the following:
- High School Winter Portfolio Show
- Valley View Elementary School Paint Night
- Trojan Wrestling Club Novice Tournament
- National Honor Society Community Service
- Science National Honor Society’s Science Night
- Link Crew Applications
- Battle of the Buildings
- High School Swim Team
- Ms. Escano Henriquez reported on the following:
- Superintendent’s Report
- Dr. Krauser recognized the School Board in honor of School Director Appreciation Month.
- Dr. Lorfink presented the proposed 2025-2026 School Calendar for discussion. Administration will seek the calendar’s approval at the January 27, 2025, Board meeting.
- The Board unanimously approved two overnight field trip requests.
Motion, Freireich, Second, Sullivan; Approval. Roll Call Vote, 8 members present, yes. Motion carried 8-0.- Overnight field trip request from Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America( FCCLA) for March 31 – April 2, 2025, to attend the FCCLA State Leadership Conference in Champion, PA.
- Overnight field trip request from YS Technology Students Association (TSA) for April 23 – 26, 2025, to attend the state TSA State Conference in Seven Springs, PA.
- Business Office Report
- Mrs. Kendig, Mrs. Thompson, and Dr. Ellis provided an update on pool repairs and subsequent adjustments to practice and match locations.
- Mr. Sanders moved to allocate $300,000 from the General Fund to an assigned fund for pool repairs and maintenance. Following some discussion by the Board, Mrs. Schroeder provided an opportunity for public comment before requesting a vote on the motion.
- The following fourteen (14) individuals provided comments prior to the Board taking action on the motion.
- Jonathan Allen (Spring Garden Twp), Chris Sanders (Springettsbury Twp), Michael Darrah (Spring Garden Twp), Kevin Shoff (Spring Garden Twp), Jeff Kirsch (Springettsbury Twp), Cathy Shaffer (Spring Garden Twp), Danny Barker (Springettsbury Twp), Harry Strohman (Spring Garden Twp), Penny Wood (Spring Garden Twp), Michael Park (Springettsbury Twp), Rynn Caputo (Spring Garden Twp), Melinda Waterbury (Spring Garden Twp), Lindsay Billet (Spring Garden Twp), and Randy Quigley (Springettsbury Twp).
Following public comment, the motion was approved by a vote of 7-1.
Motion, Sanders, Second, Turner; Approval. Roll Call Vote, 8 members present, Motion passed 7-1. (Nay Vote: Hesson)
- Jonathan Allen (Spring Garden Twp), Chris Sanders (Springettsbury Twp), Michael Darrah (Spring Garden Twp), Kevin Shoff (Spring Garden Twp), Jeff Kirsch (Springettsbury Twp), Cathy Shaffer (Spring Garden Twp), Danny Barker (Springettsbury Twp), Harry Strohman (Spring Garden Twp), Penny Wood (Spring Garden Twp), Michael Park (Springettsbury Twp), Rynn Caputo (Spring Garden Twp), Melinda Waterbury (Spring Garden Twp), Lindsay Billet (Spring Garden Twp), and Randy Quigley (Springettsbury Twp).
Following public comment, the motion was approved by a vote of 7-1.
- The following fourteen (14) individuals provided comments prior to the Board taking action on the motion.
- Mr. Sanders moved to allocate $300,000 from the General Fund to an assigned fund for pool repairs and maintenance. Following some discussion by the Board, Mrs. Schroeder provided an opportunity for public comment before requesting a vote on the motion.
- The following items were presented for discussion. They will be recommended for approval during the regular monthly meeting scheduled for January 27, 2025.
- The Administration recommends Board approval of the Real Property Tax Exemption Certificate for parcel #46-000-29-0029.00-00000 under the Pennsylvania State Veterans’ Commission for Real Estate Tax Exemption with a 2024 face amount of $3,963.69 and assessed value of $190,710.00.
- The Administration recommends Board approval of the Real Property Tax Exemption Certificate for parcel #46-000-01-0309.00-0000 under the Pennsylvania State Veterans’ Commission for Real Estate Tax Exemption. This property has been exempt since 2015 and has an assessed value of $92,110.00.
- The Administration recommends Board approval of the Real Property Tax Exemption Certificate for parcel #46-000-05-0102.00-00000 under the Pennsylvania State Veterans’ Commission for Real Estate Tax Exemption with a 2024 face amount of $3,001.85 and assessed value of $120,120.00.
- The Administration recommends Board approval of the Real Property Tax Exemption Certificate for parcel #46-000-04-0060.00-00000 under the Pennsylvania State Veterans’ Commission for Real Estate Tax Exemption. This property has been exempt since July 2023 and has an assessed value of $139,050.00.
- The Administration recommends Board approval of the 2024-25 IDEA-B Pass-Through Funds Agreement with the Lincoln Intermediate Unit 12. These funds must be used to supplement the provision of special education and related services for eligible school-aged students. The total 2024-25 allocation is $565,708.36. This is a decrease of $26,511.50 compared to 2023-24.
- The Administration recommends Board approval of the 2024-25 IDEA-Section 619 Pass-Through Funds Agreement with Lincoln Intermediate Unit 12. These funds must support kindergarten-eligible children receiving special education services through the LEA or remaining an extra year in Early Intervention (Act 30). The total 2024-25 allocation is $2,975.00. This is a decrease of $2,239.00 compared to 2023-24.
- The Administration recommends Board approval of the five(5) year IUP Educator & Clinician Preparation Field Experience Agreement with Indiana University of Pennsylvania to provide clinician preparation field experiences for IUP education majors at no cost to the District.
- The Administration, in accordance with board policy, recommends the Board approve the 2025 IRS mileage reimbursement rate at 70 cents per mile, effective January 1, 2025.
- The Administration recommends Board approval of the proposed Lincoln Intermediate Unit 12 2025-2026 General Operating Budget.
- Mrs. Kendig, Mrs. Thompson, and Dr. Ellis provided an update on pool repairs and subsequent adjustments to practice and match locations.
- Academic Standards & Curriculum Committee Report
- Dr. Fuhrman and Dr. Ellis provided a report on the progression of high school college preparatory and general mathematics, outlining the proposed changes to the math program at the various levels of instruction.
- Communications Committee Report
- Mrs. Fourhman provided an update on the RFP process for selecting a new website vendor. A total of eleven (11) proposals were received and evaluated by Mrs. Fourhman and Mr. Henry. Demonstrations will be scheduled with finalists, and a public Communications Committee meeting will be scheduled for the committee to review the recommended vendors.
- Personnel Committee Report
- Consent Agenda: The Board reviewed the Personnel Report as presented. Mr. Sanders requested item A1d (Elementary School Librarian) be considered separately. The remaining items on the Consent Agenda were unanimously approved by the Board.
Motion, Robinson, Second, Sanders; Approval. Roll Call Vote, 8 members present, yes. Motion passed 8-0.
Separate Action: Item A1d (Recommendation to approve Mary (Betsy) Wirick as Elementary School Librarian) was approved by roll call vote.
Motion, Sanders, Second, SanMartin; Approval. Roll Call Vote, 8 members present, Motion passed 7-1. (Nay Vote: Sanders)- Employment
- Recommend the Board to approve Sarah Iachini, Assistant Director of Special Education, at York Suburban School District, with an annual salary of $105,000, in accordance with the Act 93 Administrative Compensation and Retention Plan. This offer is contingent upon successful completion of all onboarding requirements.
- Recommend the Board to approve Abby Triplett, Part-Time Paraprofessional at Valley View Elementary School for the 2024-2025 school year, at $14.30 per hour. This represents Step 1 of the wage schedule as represented in the York Suburban Education Support Personnel Association (YSESPA) agreement. This offer is contingent upon successful completion of all onboarding requirements.
- Recommend the Board to approve Jessica Hamrick, Elementary Reading Specialist at Indian Rock Elementary School for the 2024-2025 school year, with an annual salary of $80,545. This represents Masters +15, Step 3 of the York Suburban Education Association (YSEA) negotiated agreement. This offer is contingent upon successful completion of all onboarding requirements.
- Recommend the Board to approve Mary (Betsy) Wirick, Elementary School Librarian at York Suburban School District for the 2024-2025 school year, with an annual salary of $91,670. This represents Masters +60, Step 4 of the York Suburban Education Association (YSEA) negotiated agreement. This offer is contingent upon successful completion of all onboarding requirements.
- Extracurricular
- Recommend the Board to approve the appointment of Michael Jackson, current YS Teacher, as the Extracurricular Stage & Lighting Technician, for the remainder of the 2024-2025 school year at $15.50/per hour.
- Resignations
- Recommend the Board to accept the resignation of Jade Berbert, Paraprofessional at York Suburban Middle School, effective January 21, 2025.
- Retirements
- Recommend the Board to accept the retirement of Carla Lowe, Teacher at East York Elementary School, effective at the end of the 2024-2025 school year. Carla dedicated 23 years of service to the York Suburban School District.
- Recommend the Board to accept the retirement of Carole Shearer, Teacher at York Suburban High School, effective at the end of the 2024-2025 school year. Carole dedicated 17 years of service to the York Suburban School District.
- Recommend the Board to accept the retirement of Jennifer Dillow, Teacher at Indian Rock Elementary, effective at the end of the 2024-2025 school year. Jennifer dedicated 28 years of service to the York Suburban School District.
- Recommend the Board to accept the retirement of Janice Barshinger, Teacher at Valley View Elementary School, effective at the end of the 2024-2025 school year. Janice dedicated 25 years of service to the York Suburban School District.
- Reliance (Bus Drivers)
- Karen Eaches
- Volunteers
- Christina Collins
- Employment
- Consent Agenda: The Board reviewed the Personnel Report as presented. Mr. Sanders requested item A1d (Elementary School Librarian) be considered separately. The remaining items on the Consent Agenda were unanimously approved by the Board.
- Property & Finance Committee Report
- No report was provided.
- Lincoln Intermediate Unit Report
- Highlights were presented from the LIU Board Meeting held on January 7, 2025.
- LIU Joint Operating Authority Report
- No report was provided.
- York Adams Academy Report
- Mrs. Freireich reported that 12 York Suburban students are slated to graduate next Wednesday, January 22, 2025.
- Legislative Update
- Mr. Robinson reported the following information:
- Representative Peter Schweyer will chair the House Committee on Education. Representative Bryan Cutler will serve as the minority chair.
- The Senate has not made any committee appointments.
- Mr. Robinson reported the following information:
- York Adams Tax Bureau Report
- No report was provided.
- York County School of Technology Report
- No report was provided.
- Mrs. Schroeder thanked everyone for attending the meeting.
- A list of Upcoming Events was provided.
- The Board Meeting & Committee Meeting Schedules were provided.
- Public Comments
- The following individuals commented on the pool repair update: David and Rynn Caputo (Spring Garden Twp), Christopher Guyer (Spring Garden Twp), Marilynn Guyer (Spring Garden Twp), and Bryan and Lisa Platt (Spring Garden Twp).
- The following individuals commented on the Intermediate School construction project: Mary Beliveau (Springettsbury Twp), Mary Hawkins (Spring Garden Twp), Chris Sanders (Springettsbury Twp), and Cathy Shaffer (Spring Garden Twp).
- Jonathan Allen (Spring Garden Twp) commented on the construction and renovation projects and the pool.
- Danny Barker (Springettsbury Twp) commented on communication.
- Two (2) electronic public comments were received.
- Jason Moore (Spring Garden Twp)commented on the pool closure.
- Jennifer Foremsky (Spring Garden Twp) commented on the pool repairs and maintenance.
- Board Comments / Recognitions
- Dr. Hesson commented on her experience with YSMS students at Biztown.
- Mr. Robinson donated goods to the Impact Closet in response to a community member’s suggestion. Mrs. Schroeder recommended having a donation box at the next Board meeting to make donating items easier for others.
- Adjournment
- The meeting was adjourned at 10:48 pm.