Reminders About Attendance at Athletics Events
September 17, 2021
With the new school year comes the excitement of interscholastic athletics events. At York Suburban, we take great pride in our school spirit and fan participation. We encourage all of our students from the high school, middle school, and elementary schools to attend our sporting events. Below are several important reminders about student attendance at these contests.
Important Reminders
- All York Suburban students receive free admittance into athletics events. There is an entry fee for students from other schools.
- All students in Grades K-8 MUST be accompanied by an adult to gain entry into ANY sporting event. The adult accompanying the student(s) is responsible for the behavior and well-being of the student(s) for the duration of the event.
- All York Suburban students in Grades 9-12 will receive free admittance into athletics events after presenting their school-issued identification cards to a ticket seller.
- During indoor events, all spectators are required to wear masks per the Pennsylvania Department of Health’s most recent order.
We appreciate your cooperation with and understanding of these guidelines. As representatives of the York Suburban School District, it is the responsibility of our students and fans to demonstrate great sportsmanship. We appreciate your help in creating a welcoming and positive environment for our student-athletes and event attendees.