YSMS Students Complete Year-Long Service Project for Caitlin's Smiles
May 13, 2022

Mr. Laudeman

Mrs. Page
At the beginning of the school year, York Suburban Middle School students in Mrs. Page and Mr. Laudeman's eighth-grade Literacy Academy class decided they wanted to participate in a year-long service project. They chose to support an organization called Caitlin's Smiles, which was founded by Cheryl Hornung after losing her daughter to a lengthy battle with cancer.
Caitlin's Smiles helps children with life-threatening or chronic conditions by supplying arts and craft supplies to medical facilities. These supplies give young patients ways to express their creativity and reduce the stress of hospital life. The supplies are delivered to hospitals throughout the United States in bags called Bags of Smiles and Coping Kits, and they typically include coloring books, craft kits, small toys, and more.
The YSMS students spent time each week putting together over 200 craft kits. They also held a drive in the month of April that resulted in more than 500 items being donated. At the conclusion of the service project, the students took a field trip to the headquarters of Caitlin’s Smiles in Harrisburg. While at the facility, students hand delivered the donations and craft kits. Afterward, they spent two hours creating gift bags and cards.
Thank you to all of the teachers and students who were involved in this amazing display of philanthropy!