Fifth-Grade Curriculum

Curriculum Statement

The York Suburban School District is dedicated to a well-rounded education for all students. The District implements a challenging curriculum that is aligned to the Pennsylvania Core Standards and fulfills the District's mission. Each discipline is carefully studied by teams of experienced teachers and administrators to maintain academic rigor, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.

Additionally, the York Suburban School District is dedicated to providing our 21st Century graduates with the knowledge, abilities, and habits to enter and complete postsecondary education or training programs that will move into successful careers. To achieve this outcome, students must acquire robust employability skills: the ability to communicate, solve problems, think critically, persevere, set goals, and work in teams. These skills are essential to equipping students to pursue their career opportunities with confidence and contribute positively to their communities. Each grade level is committed to building the aforementioned capacities in all students; as such, these skills are skillfully woven into the curriculum.

Fifth-Grade Curriculum Overview

Language Arts

York Suburban School District follows the Pennsylvania Core Standards of teaching children to read, write, speak, and listen. PA Core standards in fluency, decoding, comprehension, vocabulary, writing, and responding to reading are addressed through shared reading, guided reading, self-selected reading, writing, and phonics instruction. Throughout the school year, fifth-grade students will:

  • Learn to read independently by using before, during, and after reading strategies through reading workshops, guided reading, and book clubs
  • Increase the ability to figure out new words through analysis of word parts and patterns
  • Develop the ability to read text smoothly, accurately, and with an appropriate rate
  • Read and apply new vocabulary
  • Develop comprehension through the application of focus skills and strategies
  • Read and understand content in all academic areas
  • Read all types of literature and construct meaning through discussion and written responses
  • Actively participate in the writing process – prewriting, drafting, editing, conferencing, revising, and publishing
  • Produce quality narrative, informational and persuasive writing
  • Learn to listen and respond to others and to literature
  • Participate in sharing, discussions, directions, explanations, reports, and oral readings
  • Select a topic and gather information for a research presentation
Social Studies