Minutes 2019-04-01

APRIL 1, 2019 – 7:00 PM

An Executive Session was held at 6:40 PM.

Official action did occur during this meeting for items marked by (*).

(approved on April 15, 2019)

Picture of the Week
  1. General Business
    Call to Order – Mr. Posenau, Board President

    1. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag 

      Mr. Posenau called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

    2. Roll Call 

      Members present – Ellen Freireich, John Posenau, Richard Robinson, James Sanders, Steve Scalet, Lois Ann Schroeder, Joel Sears, Kenneth Watts, Lauren Guyer (Student Representative)

      Member not present – Michael Thoman

    3. A reminder to please silence your cell phone during the meeting.

      Mr. Posenau reported above.

    4. Public Comment. All comments and questions will be addressed to the President. Board and staff members will not normally respond to comments or questions during the meeting unless recognized by the President for this purpose. Comments will be limited, at the discretion of the President, to five minutes or less.

      An opportunity was provided for public comment. There was none at this time.

  2. Board President’s Report – Mr. Posenau
    1. The Board met prior to this meeting in Executive Session as permitted by Section 707 of the Sunshine Act for the purpose of discussing personnel and legal matters. No official action was taken.

      Mr. Posenau reported above.

    2. The Board will meet in a Retreat Strategic Planning Session, Part 2, on April 8, 2019. Dinner will be available at 6:00 PM and the session will start at 6:30 PM.

      Mr. Posenau reported above.

    3. Board Meeting Schedule Discussion – 2019-20

      Dr. Williams reviewed above and stated a decision will need to be made in the future about the Board meeting schedule for January, February and March of 2020 and possibly having meetings scheduled on the second and fourth Mondays due to the way the days fall on the calendar. A decision will be made at a later date.

  3. Superintendent’s Report – Dr. Williams
    1. Dr. Williams shared that Dr. Krauser will be presenting information at the April 15 meeting on a pilot program at the Middle School to modify the curriculum to help meet the social and emotional needs of students. There is no Academic Standards and Curriculum Committee meeting scheduled in the timeframe that would be needed to make this change for the next school year.
    2. Mrs. Hasenfuss will present the Special Education Plan Report.

      Mrs. Hasenfuss reviewed above and answered questions from Board members.

    3. (*) The Administration recommends Board approval of the immediate expulsion of SID# 1756783268 as set forth in the Administrative Disciplinary Hearing Agreement following a hearing conducted by Dr. Scott Krauser. The Agreement sets forth the details of the recommendation in response to the violation of Act 26 of 1995, Pennsylvania’s Safe Schools Act. The student is beyond compulsory school age and will be released to seek educational opportunities beyond the District.  [Public Comment; Motion; Roll Call Vote]

      Motion, Freireich, Second, Robinson; Approval. Roll Call Vote, all present, yes. Motion carried 8-0.

    4. Reports from Administrators

      Dr. Gulley, Indian Rock Elementary Principal, provided a report of ways autistic students are involved with students in regular classrooms and activities. He gave a shout out to the PTO’s organization of the annual Variety Show held recently that was very successful and thanked the volunteers, students and parents. A discussion continued about the inclusion model for autistic students and how it provides growth for all students that include social skills, acceptance, understanding and compassion for each other. A powerful experience for all students.

      Mr. Shirey, Middle School Principal, reported Jordan Sonnenblick, an author of young adult fiction, visited recently, did assemblies for each grade level about what it takes to become an author, enjoyed lunch with students and provided a writer’s workshop. Mrs. Martin’s Family and Consumer Science (FACS) classes prepared a lunch and invited teachers to join them. The faculty-student basketball game was a successful and fun event that raised additional monies for the Bowl for Kids Sake with bake sale proceeds. The acts of kindness project continues and is providing a positive impact on the community.

  4. Business Office Report – Ms. Mason
    1. (*) The Administration recommends Board approval of the Resolution Authorizing Proposed Final Budget display and advertising for the 2019-20 Budget.

      Budget Comparison Report
      PDE 2019 – Proposed Final 2019-20 General Fund Budget
      [Motion; Discussion; Roll Call Vote]

      Ms. Mason reported above.

      Motion, Sears, Second, Robinson; Approval.

      Ms. Mason reviewed the two documents above and answered questions from Board members.

      Roll Call Vote, all present, yes. Motion carried 8-0.

    2. (*) The Administration recommends Board approval of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the York County Head Start Agency. The purpose of this agreement is to describe the responsibilities of each agency and to provide guidance for coordination and cooperation between the District and Head Start. This MOU is required under Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).  [Motion; Discussion; Roll Call Vote]

      Motion, Robinson, Second, Watts; Approval. Roll Call Vote, all present, yes. Motion carried 8-0.

    3. Items recommended for approval on April 15, 2019:
      1. The Administration recommends Board approval of the renewal contract for Whitsons Culinary Group as the Food Service Management Company for the 2019-20 fiscal year.

        Ms. Mason reported above.

      2. The Administration recommends Board approval of an annual contract with Tomlinson Bomberger for various fertilizer and lawn treatments District wide for a total of $6,928  for the 2019-20 fiscal year. This will be paid from the General Fund.

        Ms. Mason reported above.

      3. The Administration recommends Board approval of the Program Agreement with Genesee Valley Outdoor Learning Center, Inc. in the amount of $2,625 to conduct/host a Challenge program for the York Suburban Link Crew group on Saturday, August 10, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.

        Ms. Mason reported above.

      4. The Administration recommends Board approval of the contract with Retro Environmental, Inc. for asbestos abatement at the East York Elementary School Guidance Office for a total cost of $3,200. This is for removal and disposal of approximately 225 square feet of asbestos floor tile and associated mastic beneath the carpet to be removed. This will be paid from the Capital Projects Fund.

        Ms. Mason reported above.

      5. The Administration recommends Board approval of the Contract for Services with IU13 to provide two building safety assessments at a rate of $2,400 per assessment plus mileage. This will be paid from the General Fund.

        Ms. Mason reported above.

        Dr. Krauser explained the selection process for this vendor that will provide external and internal security assessments by spending a day at each building and will include interviews with staff members.

      6. The Administration recommends Board approval of the Independent Contractor Agreement with Billings Bilingual LLC for English/Spanish document translation services.

        Ms. Mason reported above. The Intermediate Unit costs have skyrocketed for this service and Administration is looking at this new agreement for cost savings.

        A discussion continued that the service of an IU to districts could be an asset to districts and unfortunately, in some instances has become a liability. The Superintendents are cautiously optimistic with the new leadership at the IU and hopeful for the change of an IU that is more service oriented.

      7. The Administration recommends Board approval of a transfer of $500,000 to the Capital Reserve Fund.

        Ms. Mason reported above.

    4. Informational
      Donation in the amount of $150 from Patient First to the Yorkshire Elementary School for supplies.

      Ms. Mason reported above.

  5. Student Board Representative Report – Lauren Guyer

    Miss Guyer provided a spring athletic season report. Elections are being organized for various honor societies, Mini Thon captains and Student Council officers. Recently the kindergarten students from Valley View Elementary went to Nixon park and participated in Forest Kindergarten. Valley View Elementary students had I Write where students had the opportunity to share their writing on stage with family members and friends. The Middle School and Communities That Care (CTC) hosted the annual Multicultural Festival event last week that was wonderful.

  6. Committee Reports – Mr. Posenau
    1. Committee Meeting Schedule
      Mr. Posenau reported above.
    2. Academic Standards and Curriculum Committee Report – Mrs. Schroeder
      The following proposals were discussed at the March 13 Academic Standards and Curriculum Committee meeting and recommended out of committee for review by the Board.

      1. Graduation Requirements Proposal (beginning with the Class of 2023)

        Mrs. Schroeder reviewed above and voting is scheduled on April 15.

      2. Safety Education Proposal

        Mrs. Schroeder reviewed above and voting is scheduled on April 15.

    3. Personnel Committee Report – Mr. Robinson
      1. (*) Consent Agenda: [You have before you the Personnel Report which includes retirement, resignation, employment and reappointment of medical personnel. Would any Board member like any of these items considered separately or are there any questions on any of these items? If not, the chair moves approval of the below-mentioned items; Roll Call Vote]

        Motion, Robinson, Second, Watts; Approval.

        Comments were shared about regretfully accepting Ms. Mason’s retirement, offered her many thanks for her service at YS and in education. A round of applause was heard around the room!

        Roll Call Vote, all present, yes. Motion carried 8-0.

        1. Retirement 
          Recommend the approval of the retirement of Corinne Mason, Director of Finance, effective on or before September 30, 2019. Ms. Mason is retiring after serving 30 years in education and 6 with York Suburban School District.
        2. Resignation 
          Recommend the approval of the resignation of Tammy Daugherty, Health Room Assistant, effective April 18, 2019.
        3. Employment
          1. Recommend the additional employment for Sonya Brown as the part time Business Education Teacher effective August 14, 2019. Ms. Brown also teaches Family and Consumer Sciences part time.
          2. Notification to the Board of the reassignment of Katelyn Hall, Elementary Teacher at Indian Rock Elementary to the position of Elementary Gifted Teacher effective August 14, 2019.
          3. Notification to the Board of the reassignment of Kayla Jacoby, Elementary Teacher at Indian Rock Elementary to the position of Elementary Autism Teacher effective August 14, 2019.
          4. Recommend the transfer of employment for Samantha Herink from substitute nurse to full time Health Room Assistant at the rate of $15.44/hour, effective April 2, 2019.
        4. Reappointment of Medical Personnel for 2019-2020 
          Recommend the reappointment of WellSpan Family Medicine-Plymouth Road Medical Group with Drs. Warner, Wilson and Seydel, as our primary physicians for consultation, supervision of protocols and required school physical examinations (excluding sports physicals) at a consultation fee of $500 per year. The individual physical examination fee is $15 per student.
      2. (*) The Administration recommends approval of the termination of a District professional employee, Michael Coy, from his position as a Spanish teacher in the York Suburban High School and from his employment with the York Suburban School District.  [Motion; Discussion; Roll Call Vote]

        Motion, Sears, Second, Schroeder; Approval.

        Mr. Posenau reported that very recently Mr. Coy has submitted his letter of resignation. A consideration to table the previous motion and accept this letter of resignation is an option.

        Mr. Sears is okay with tabling the motion.

        Motion, Freireich, Second, Scalet; table the previous motion. Roll Call Vote, all present, yes. Motion carried 8-0.

        Motion, Watts, Second, Robinson; Accept the resignation letter of Michael Coy, Spanish Teacher, effective April 1, 2019.

        A discussion continued about the termination and the resignation of an employee.

        Roll Call Vote, all present, yes. Motion carried 8-0.

    4. Additional Committee Reports 
  7. Legislative Update – Mr. Robinson
    Mr. Robinson reported Mr. Sears and himself attended a hearing sponsored by State Representative Carol Hill-Evans on mental health for children, especially in our local area. It was informative and illuminating and also included an individual sharing about his life journey being diagnosed somewhere on the autism spectrum as a young adult. He shared that he did not experience any benefits from any worthwhile program during his childhood and young adulthood life. Other panelists shared many children need services and they are not getting the services that are needed. Funding ideas were also reviewed.  A personal thank you note was sent to Rep. Hill-Evans and contact will be made with her to follow-up. A meeting has been scheduled with State Representative Keith Gillespie on April 26. Comments were made thanking Mr. Robinson and Mr. Sears for their time and efforts in this type of important legislative involvement. Davonna Rickard, PA School Boards Association Advocacy Ambassador, has also been a valuable resource with legislative connections.
  8. Lincoln Intermediate Unit Report
    LIU Joint Operating Authority Report – Mrs. Freireich

    Mrs. Freireich reported a meeting was held this past week and included suggestions for projects to be done around the York Learning Center. A lease was approved with York Adams Academy.

  9. York Adams Academy Report – Mrs. Freireich
    Mrs. Freireich reported a lease was approved with York Learning Center for the next two years. A process to digitize old records going back to 1991 was approved. A records information system will be installed that will synch up with member districts to make record keeping much more efficient and training will be ongoing during the summer.
  10. York Adams Tax Bureau Report – Ms. Mason
    No report
  11. York County School of Technology Report – Mrs. Schroeder
    The YCST Joint Operating Committee Mini-Board Report of March 28 is provided.

    Mrs. Schroeder reported above.

    A discussion continued about the proposed new gymnasium project at YCST, that is currently over-budget, and the Authority approved the project to go out for bid as the costs were higher than the architect’s estimates. This project was thought to be a facility that could house various county events. Mrs. Schroeder sits on the Joint Operating Committee and Mr. Sanders sits on the Authority Committee.

  12. Recognition of Visitors 
    Mr. Posenau thanked everyone for attending tonight’s meeting. Mrs. Freireich and Mrs. Schroeder attended the National School Board Association conference in Philadelphia this past weekend. Highlights were shared about the very good information that was available, networking with individuals, camaraderie with others and vendors and interesting workshops. It was a good investment that included many benefits. Pertinent information will be shared with the committees.
  13. Board Meeting Schedule
    Mr. Posenau reported above. 
  14. Public Comment. All comments and questions will be addressed to the President. Board and staff members will not normally respond to comments or questions during the meeting unless recognized by the President for this purpose. Comments will be limited, at the discretion of the President, to five minutes or less.

    An opportunity was provided for public comment. There was none at this time.

  15. Adjournment 
    The meeting was adjourned at 8:19 PM.

An Executive Session was held immediately following the meeting.


/s/ Corinne D. Mason, PCSBA, M.Ed.
Board Secretary

Link to Meeting Audio File