Minutes 2019-10-14

OCTOBER 14, 2019 – 6:00 PM

(approved on October 21, 2019)

  1. General Business
    Call to Order – Mr. Posenau, Board President

    1. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag

      Mr. Posenau called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

    2. Roll Call

      Members present – Ellen Freireich, John Posenau, Richard Robinson, James Sanders, Steve Scalet, Lois Ann Schroeder, Joel Sears, Michael Thoman

    3. A reminder to please silence your cell phone during the meeting.

      Mr. Posenau reported above. 

    4. The purpose of this Special Meeting is to interview candidates, nominate, appoint and swear in a new Board member.

      Mr. Posenau reported above and explained the process for the evening.

    5. Public Comment
  2. Interview of Board Candidates – Mr. Posenau
    1. Candidates for the Vacancy on the York Suburban School Board for the term to expire November 30, 2021.
      1. Brandon Bien – was not in attendance
      2. Tyler Bradley – withdrew application
      3. Jay Danks – withdrew application
      4. Scott Eden
      5. Brian Gunn – withdrew application
      6. Jessica Jackson
      7. Kurt Jones – withdrew application
      8. Evan Krantz
      9. Jennifer Mitton
      10. Kelly Santoro
      11. Tracey Smeltzer
      12. Gilford Smith
      13. Steven Sullivan
      14. Steven Wand
      15. Jeremy Williams
    2. Interview Process
      1. Opening statement from each candidate (up to two minutes)
      2. Interview questions with each candidate providing a very brief response
      3. Closing statement from each candidate (up to 30 seconds)

        Candidates in the following order, Scott Eden, Jeremy Williams, Jessica Jackson, Steven Wand, Evan Krantz, Steven Sullivan, Jennifer Mitton, Gilford Smith, Kelly Santoro and Tracey Smeltzer, provided their opening statement, answered questions and gave a closing statement.

        Mr. Posenau thanked all the candidates for coming out this evening and being represented in this process.

        A five minute break was taken. 

        The candidates were thanked for their participation this evening. No matter the outcome, candidates were encouraged to stay connected to the District. A sense of pride was conveyed for the quality of candidates.

  3. Nomination(s) from the Board – Mr. Posenau
    1. Nomination(s) will be made by Board member(s).

      A discussion took place about voting for one nominee and each nominee. The Board was comfortable voting for each nominee. The floor will be open for nominations and Board members will vote for each nominee. Nominees with at least five votes will move forward in the process.

      Motion, Schroeder, Second, Freireich; Suspend 9.b. in the Business Operating Guideline, 004-BOG-3. Roll Call Vote, all present, yes. Motion carried 8-0.

      The nominations were as follows.

      Mr. Sears nominated Steven Sullivan.
      Mrs. Freireich nominated Jennifer Mitton.
      Mr. Scalet nominated Jessica Jackson.
      Mr. Robinson nominated Gilford Smith.
      Mr. Sanders nominated Jeremy Williams.
      Mrs. Schroeder nominated Steven Wand.

    2. Roll Call Vote will be called on the nomination(s) in the order they were received.

      Nominee Steven Sullivan – Roll Call Vote, Posenau, yes; Sears, yes; Sanders, yes; Freireich, yes; Schroeder, no; Scalet, yes; Robinson, no; Thoman, no (5-3)
      Nominee Jennifer Mitton – Roll Call Vote, Thoman, no; Schroeder, yes; Posenau, yes; Sears, no; Scalet, no; Freireich, yes; Sanders, no; Robinson, no (3-5)
      Nominee Jessica Jackson – Roll Call Vote, Thoman, no; Sears, yes; Robinson, yes; Scalet, yes; Schroeder, no; Posenau, no; Sanders, yes; Freireich, no (4-4)
      Nominee Gilford Smith – Roll Call Vote, Thoman, yes; Scalet, yes; Freireich, no; Sears, no; Robinson, yes; Sanders, no; Posenau, yes; Schroeder, yes (5-3)
      Nominee Jeremy Williams – Roll Call Vote, Sears, no; Schroeder, no; Scalet, no; Sanders, yes; Posenau, yes; Robinson, no; Thoman, yes; Freireich, no (3-5)
      Nominee Steven Wand – Roll Call Vote, Schroeder, yes; Sanders, yes; Freireich, yes; Thoman, yes; Posenau, yes; Robinson, yes; Scalet, no; Sears, no (6-2)

    3. Five votes are necessary for a nomination to carry

      A second Roll Call Vote took place for the following nominees, Steven Sullivan, Gilford Smith and Steven Wand.

      Steven Sullivan – Roll Call Vote, Robinson, no; Sanders, yes; Schroeder, no; Thoman, no; Scalet, yes; Freireich, yes; Sears, yes; Posenau, yes (5-3)
      Gilford Smith – Roll Call Vote, Sanders, no; Sears, no; Schroeder, yes; Posenau, yes; Robinson, yes; Freireich, no; Scalet, yes; Thoman, no (4-4)
      Steven Wand – Roll Call Vote, Schroeder, yes; Posenau, no; Sanders, yes; Robinson, yes; Scalet, no; Sears, no; Thoman, yes; Freireich, yes (5-3) 

      A third Roll Call Vote took place for the following nominees,  Steven Sullivan and Steven Wand.

      Steven Sullivan – Roll Call Vote, Posenau, yes; Sears, yes; Sanders, yes; Freireich, yes; Schroeder, no; Scalet, yes; Robinson, no; Thoman, no (5-3)
      Steven Wand – Roll Call Vote, Thoman, yes; Schroeder, yes; Posenau, no; Sears, no; Scalet, no; Freireich, no; Sanders, yes; Robinson, yes (4-4) 

      Steven Sullivan was selected and appointed to fill the unexpired term ending November 2021.

      A thank you was extended for everyone’s participation as a qualified candidate in this process and encouraged to stay connected and engaged with the school board.

  4. Swearing in of New Board Member (by Wendy Erwine, Notary Public)

    Steven Sullivan was sworn in as a new Board member. 

  5. Public Comment  
  6. Adjournment 

    The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM.


/s/ Corinne D. Mason, PCSBA, M.Ed.
Board Secretary

Link to Meeting Video