Minutes 2020-06-15

JUNE 15, 2020 – 7:00 PM

An Executive Session was held prior to the meeting at 6:30 PM.

Due to health and safety reasons, a virtual meeting format will be utilized.

(approved on July 20, 2020)

Picture of the Week
  1. General Business
    Call to Order – Mr. Posenau, Board President

    1. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag 

      Mr. Posenau called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

    2. Roll Call 

      Members present – Ellen Freireich, John Posenau, Richard Robinson, James Sanders, Steve Scalet, Lois Ann Schroeder, Joel Sears, Steven Sullivan, Michael Thoman, Carley Bowen (Student Representative)

      Members not present – none

    3. A reminder to please silence your cell phone during the meeting.

      Mr. Posenau reported above. 

    4. Public Comment. Place your comments at the Public Comment Form link found on this page. All comments and questions will be addressed to the President. Board and staff members will not normally respond to comments or questions during the meeting unless recognized by the President for this purpose. Comments will be limited, at the discretion of the President, to five minutes or less.

      Public Comment that was shared.

    5. Discussion and Action on Board Minutes. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Monthly Meeting of May 18, 2020.  [Approval as submitted/corrected]

      The Minutes were approved as submitted.

  2. Treasurer’s Report – Mr. Sears 
    Consent Agenda: [Would any Board member like any of these items considered separately or are there any questions on any of these items? If not, the chair moves approval of the below-mentioned items; Roll Call Vote]

    Motion, Sears, Second, Schroeder; Approval. Roll Call Vote, all present, yes. Motion carried 9-0.
    Approval of Financial Reports as of May 31, 2020 [File for audit]

    1. Treasurer’s Report (All Funds) 
    2. General Fund Revenue Report
    3. General Fund Expenditure Report
    4. Summary Report – Capital Project, Capital Reserve, Food Service
    5. Check Summary Report – General Fund, Food Service, Capital Project, Capital Reserve
    6. Student Activity Account Summary
    7. Budget Transfers
  3. Board President’s Report – Mr. Posenau
    1. The Board met in Executive Session in a virtual meeting format on May 21, 2020 at 2:00 PM as permitted by Section 707 of the Sunshine Act for the purpose of discussing matters of contract negotiations with transportation provider, Reliance. No official action was taken.

      Mr. Posenau reported above. 

    2. The Board met in Executive Session in a virtual meeting format prior to this meeting as permitted by Section 707 of the Sunshine Act for the purpose of discussing matters of school safety. No official action was taken.

      Mr. Posenau reported above.

    3. Appointment of up to two Voting Delegates for the PA School Boards Association Delegate Assembly on November 7, 2020. The deadline to notify PSBA is August 31.

      Mr. Posenau reported Mrs. Freireich is interested in serving as a delegate. If another Board member may be interested in serving, they were asked to inform Mr. Posenau. 

  4. Superintendent’s Report – Dr. Williams
    1. Superintendent’s Report

      Dr. Williams reviewed above. 

    2. The Administration recommends the Board approve the Facility Dog Proposal.  [Motion; Discussion; Roll Call Vote]

      Dr. Williams reported that Dr. Snedden has acquired some grant money to fund this initiative. The source of the grant is not public at this time. 

      Motion, Schroeder, Second, Sears; Approval.

      A comment was shared about the undertaking and start of this new initiative with the various unknowns about the start of the school year.

      Roll Call Vote, all present, yes. Motion carried 9-0.

    3. The Administration recommends the Board approve the Class of 2020 Graduates.  [Motion; Discussion; Roll Call Vote]
      The Final Report for the Class of 2020 is provided. 

      Motion, Schroeder, Second, Robinson; Approval. Roll Call Vote, all present, yes. Motion carried 9-0.

      Congratulations were extended to the graduates of the Class of 2020 during this challenging year!

    4. Reports from Administrators

      Dr. Ellis, High School Principal, reported about this unique month of May with the senior class and their graduation activities that took place. Participation in the Stage Walks was great with 150 students (75%) during the first two days and an additional day is scheduled at the end of the month. Several parent volunteers helped with the celebration to arrange a backdrop for students to get family pictures. A thank you was shared for the parent groups that financially supported the display of pictures of each graduate. The Class of 2020 is an exceptionally rounded group of kids and we look forward to their future endeavors and accomplishments. 

      Dr. Monos, Valley View Elementary Principal, reported the teachers at Valley View have been in and out of the building wrapping up the school year and looking ahead to the new school year. He shared a brief video about thoughts. 

  5. Business Office Report – Mrs. Ciaciulli
    1. The Administration recommends that the Board re-appoint SEK CPAs & Advisors for the 2020-2021 local audit.  Motion; Discussion; Roll Call Vote] 

      Motion, Freireich, Second, Sears; Approval. Roll Call Vote, all present, yes. Motion carried 9-0.

    2. The Administration recommends the Board approve the 2020-2021 breakfast and lunch prices as follows:
      Proposed Meal Prices – 2020-21
      No proposed increase
      Lunch Breakfast
      $2.50 Elementary $1.40 Elementary
      $2.75 Secondary $1.40 Secondary
      $3.90 Adult $1.95 Adult

      [Motion; Discussion; Roll Call Vote]

      Motion, Schroeder, Second, Sullivan; Approval. Roll Call Vote, all present, yes. Motion carried 9-0.

    3. The Administration recommends the Board approve the 2020-2021 LIU bids as follows:
      2020-21 LIU Bids
      General Supplies $30,597.39
      Paper $31,741.99
      Custodial Supplies $3,989.80
      Total $66,329.18

      [Motion; Discussion; Roll Call Vote]

      Motion, Sears, Second, Freireich; Approval. Roll Call Vote, all present, yes. Motion carried 9-0.

    4. The Administration recommends the Board approve the AIA Alera Group Services and Consulting Agreement for 2020-2021. The consulting fee will remain at $50,400.  [Motion; Discussion; Roll Call Vote]

      Motion, Robinson, Second, Schroeder; Approval. Roll Call Vote, all present, yes. Motion carried 9-0.

    5. The Administration recommends the Board authorize the Director of Finance to establish a Debt Service Fund for the purposes of recording annual repayments for general long-term debt principal and interest, new debt proceeds, and debt refinancing.  [Motion; Discussion; Roll Call Vote]

      Mrs. Ciaciulli reported above and added this new fund development will track debt service. 

      Motion, Sears, Second, Robinson; Approval.

      A discussion continued about this new development being helpful to provide clear and consistent reporting.

      Roll Call Vote, all present, yes. Motion carried 9-0.

    6. The Administration recommends the Board authorize the Director of Finance to establish an Internal Service Fund for the purposes of recording all transactions relative to self-insured medical and dental benefits.  [Motion; Discussion; Roll Call Vote]

      Mrs. Ciaciulli reported above and stated all the medical claims that were seen in the General Fund will now be tracked with this newly established fund.

      Motion, Schroeder, Second, Robinson; Approval. 

      A comment was shared to thank Mrs. Ciaciulli for this development and the previous item to allow appropriate tracking.

      Roll Call Vote, all present, yes. Motion carried 9-0.

    7. The Administration recommends the Board authorize the business office to advertise and solicit proposals for school pictures.  [Motion; Discussion; Roll Call Vote]

      Mrs. Ciaciulli reported above and added this will be for district-wide school pictures.

      Motion, Schroeder, Second, Robinson; Approval.

      Roll Call Vote, all present, yes. Motion carried 9-0.

    8. The Administration recommends the Board approve the professional service contract with Wellspan Employee Assistant Program effective July 1, 2020 at an annual cost of $16 per covered employee.  [Motion; Discussion; Roll Call Vote]

      Motion, Robinson, Second, Schroeder; Approval. Roll Call Vote, all present, yes. Motion carried 9-0.

      Property & Finance Committee Recommendations:

      Supplemental Information:  York County School Millage Comparison Report

      Mrs. Ciaciulli commented on the above information.

      The following items are recommendations from the Property and Finance Committee.

    9. Motion to approve the General Fund Budget for 2020-21 including all allocations for planned expenditures of $61,387,241.  [Motion; Discussion; Roll Call Vote]

      Motion, Sullivan, Second, Schroeder; Approval.

      A discussion took place about any additional public comment and it was decided that comments are provided at the beginning and end of the meeting. This action is for the expense side of the budget.

      Roll Call Vote, Thoman, yes; Sullivan, yes; Sears, no; Sanders, no; Freireich, yes; Schroeder, yes; Scalet, yes; Robinson, no; Posenau, yes. Motion carried 6-3.

    10. Motion to approve the 2020-2021 tax rates as follows:
      1. Real estate tax rate at 23.6474 mills. This represents a 1% increase which is below the state Act 1 -index of 3.1%, and
      2. .5% Earned Income Tax to remain in effect be placed on all residents of the district; and,
      3. .5% Real Estate Transfer tax to remain in effect on all real estate transactions of the district.
        [Motion; Discussion; Roll Call Vote]

        Motion, Schroeder, Second, Sullivan; Approval.

        Mr. Sears shared that the tax increase impact is both economic and symbolic and this has been discussed previously at meetings and committee meetings. We have discussed the immediate increase relative to assessments in the district. Shared sacrifice is not holding taxes firm or imposing minimal increase and reducing taxes by 5% would be a sacrifice. The district has a structural deficit of approximately $2 million, depending on how much fund balance is used, which is not really a way to cure a structural deficit. It will not be significantly impacted by a 1% tax increase. Compensation accounts for approximately 70% of the budget and pension contribution adds another $.35 on every dollar of pay, far higher than any reasonable plan designed would ever require. Our compensation costs outstrip our ability to pay without significant cuts elsewhere. We are in over our heads. Every time school boards increase taxes, we tell Harrisburg that legislators really don’t have the responsibility to address a broken funding system for systemic inequities that are built into that funding system. Local taxes are raised and let them off the hook as usual. We send the wrong signal year after year. An increase now tells our taxpayers that we don’t really understand the impact of the pandemic in our own backyard, even when the economic signals are clear as a bell. For these reasons, I will not vote for a 1% increase. 

        Mr. Sullivan asked the Administration if the analysis of future fund balance with different scenarios was available. Mrs. Ciaciulli responded that at the last Property and Finance Committee meeting, no additional information was requested and that analysis is not available at this time. 

        Roll Call Vote, Sanders, no; Freireich, yes; Scalet, yes; Sears, no; Robinson, no; Schroeder, yes; Thoman, no; Sullivan, yes; Posenau, yes. Motion carried 5-4.

        Mr. Posenau reported that he does agree with Mr. Sears if we have a structural problem that we have not addressed and is sympathetic to that argument. He is right that it is salaries and compensation as well as the tax base. 

        Mrs. Schroeder agrees in principle; however, her concern is if the district doesn’t increase taxes and leaves it up to Harrisburg for a change, it still doesn’t happen. At the same time, the Board has no other option. 

    11. Motion to adopt the resolution authorizing the distribution of $664,362 state gaming funds to 5,355 eligible homestead properties and 0 farmstead properties under Section 342 of Act 1.  [Motion; Discussion; Roll Call Vote]

      Motion, Schroeder, Second, Sears; Approval.

      A discussion took place about the number of eligible homestead properties noted in the motion is correct and the corresponding number in the resolution will be revised.

      Roll Call Vote, all present, yes. Motion carried 9-0. 

    12. Motion to award the general contract to East Coast Contracting in the amount of $714,400 for the Middle School and Capital Improvement project to be funded of the General Obligation Bond series of 2019.  [Motion; Discussion; Roll Call Vote]

      Motion, Freireich, Second, Schroeder; Approval. Roll Call Vote, all present, yes. Motion carried 9-0.

    13. Motion to award the mechanical and plumbing contract to SilverTip Inc. in the amount of $817,200 for the Middle School and Capital Improvement project to be funded from the General Obligations Bond series of 2019.  [Motion; Discussion; Roll Call Vote]

      Motion, Schroeder, Second, Freireich; Approval. Roll Call Vote, all present, yes. Motion carried 9-0.

    14. Motion to award the electrical contract to Lauer Construction in the amount of $454,507 for the Middle School and Capital Improvement project to be funded from the General Obligation Bond series of 2019.  [Motion; Discussion; Roll Call Vote]

      Motion, Freireich, Second, Sullivan; Approval. Roll Call Vote, all present, yes. Motion carried 9-0.

    15. Motion to accept the alternate bid proposal # HC-1 in the amount of $17,800 (SilverTip, Inc.) for the scope of work related to the High School pool ducts.  [Motion; Discussion; Roll Call Vote]

      Motion, Sears, Second, Schroeder; Approval. Roll Call Vote, all present, yes. Motion carried 9-0.

    16. Motion to reject the following alternates:
      1. GC # 1: Building envelope improvements – $ 17,700
      2. HC # 2: Water heater warranty – $29,200
      3. HC # 3: Digital Mixing Value – $ 11,800
        [Motion; Discussion; Roll Call Vote]

        Motion, Robinson, Second, Freireich; Approval. Roll Call Vote, all present, yes. Motion carried 9-0.

    17. Mr. Posenau asked the Administration to provide a budgetary impact of costs related to bussing and any other items as plans are reviewed for the reopening for the new school year.
  6. Student Board Representative Report – Carley Bowen

    Miss Bowen was welcomed to her first meeting.

    Miss Bowen reported on the recent activities by the student body during the past few months, successful online Student Council election and formation of Mini-THON committees to plan the 2021 event, along with a Plan B in case it may be needed.

  7. Committee Reports – Mr. Posenau
    1. Committee Meeting Schedule

      Mr. Posenau reported above. 

    2. Academic Standards & Curriculum Committee Report – Mr. Scalet
      The April 6 minutes are provided.

      Mr. Scalet reported above and provided a summary of the May 20 meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for September 16.

    3. Personnel Committee Report – Mr. Robinson
      1. The May 13 minutes are provided.

        Mr. Robinson reported above. 

      2. The June 17 committee meeting is canceled.

        Mr. Robinson reported above. 

      3. Consent Agenda: [You have before you the Personnel Report which includes resignation and employment. Would any Board member like any of these items considered separately or are there any questions on any of these items? If not, the chair moves approval of the below-mentioned items; Roll Call Vote]

        Motion, Robinson, Second, Freireich; Approval. Roll Call Vote, all present, yes. Motion carried 9-0.

        1. Resignation
          1. Recommend the resignation of Erin Kerchner, High School Girls Soccer Assistant Coach #2, effective May 19, 2020.
          2. Recommend the resignation of Justin McGowan, Middle School Boys Basketball Assistant Coach #1, effective June 4, 2020.
        2. Employment
          1. Recommend the transfer of Susan Enrico, from Substitute Nurse to Health Room Assistant, at an hourly rate of $16.84, effective on August 17, 2020.
          2. Approve the following building transfers for the 2020-21 school year:

            Employee Building From Current Position Building To New Position
            Sarah Bosco YE Kindergarten IR Grade 5 ELA
            Cathi Braun VV/YE EL Instructor VV/IR EL Instructor
            Karla Coffman YE/EY Certified School Nurse HS/VV Certified School Nurse
            Laura Corsa VV/YE Math Support VV Math Support
            Angela Flores HS Spanish/EL Instructor HS/MS Spanish/EL Instructor
            Sonia Guyer IR Grade 5 MS Grade 6 Science
            Dianne Hannak MS Certified School Nurse MS/YE Certified School Nurse
            Rhonda Harbold VV Paraprofessional IR Paraprofessional
            Wendy Hauck IR Math Support YE Math Support
            Samantha Herink EY/YE Health Room Assistant EY/IR Health Room Assistant
            Stacey Kuhn VV Reading Support IR Reading Support
            Dianne Maxwell EY/IR Reading Support EY Reading Support
            April Miller VV/IR Health Room Assistant MS/YE Health Room Assistant
            Allison Peters VV Grade 2 IR Grade 3
            Katie Gladfelter-Watts YE Paraprofessional EY Paraprofessional
            Krista Wolfenberger VV/IR Certified School Nurse IR/EY Certified School Nurse
          3. Approve the following Collaborators for the 2020-21 school year:

            New/Transfer Employee Rate Collaborators Rate
            Sarah Bosco $150 Amy Hare $150
            Cathi Braun $150 Amy Uffelman $150
            Carol Brillhart-Freimuth N/A Laura Gordon $150
            Carol Brillhart-Freimuth N/A Morgan Herb $150
            Angela Flores $150 Brandi Adamy $150
            Heather Guiddy $150 Dana Poster $150
            Sonia Guyer $150 Jamie Evans $150
            Stacey Kuhn $150 Julie Stover $150
            Sherri Mahorney $150 Wendy Hauck $150
            Emily Neff $150 Jen Dillow $150
            Allison Peters $150 Alicia Erickson $150
            Heather Peterson N/A Melissa Skimski $150
          4. Approve the following Mentor for the 2020-21 school year:
            New Employee Rate Mentor Rate
            John Gaeta $600 Chris Rumbaugh $1,350

          5. Granting of Tenure
            Recommend awarding of professional status/tenure to the following temporary professional employees who have completed six consecutive semesters of employment in the York Suburban School District and “during the last four months of the third year have performed satisfactorily [Section 1108© of the Public School Code of 1949 as amended by Act 16 of 1996].” This professional status should be effective on August 17, 2020.

            Ryan Bologa
            Alicia Erickson
            Cristina Fiorentino
            Melissa Hendrix-Martin
            Morgan Herb
            Ashley Jayne
            Rebecca Lauver
            Audrey Schaefer
            Chevonne Tyson

    4. Property and Finance Committee Report – Mr. Sears
      The May 13 minutes are provided.

      Mr. Sears reported above and provided a summary of the June 10 meeting. The next meeting is scheduled on August 12.

    5. Additional Committee Reports
  8. Legislative Update – Mr. Robinson

    Mr. Robinson and Mr. Sears visited with Senator Kristin Phillips-Hill to review three specific items, charter reform, PA Public School Employees’ Retirement System (PSERS) reform, and the COVID-19 Safety Regulations that had been published by the Department of Education. She asked that we share our observations and possible rejections of the safety regulations to the Secretary of Education and the Governor. It was decided to copy our local elected Senators and Representatives, too.  In Harrisburg, there is much legislation going that we are familiar with and there is an ongoing squabble with the Governor and legislature as to who actually controls the State to govern it. The PA School Boards Association has asked school district legislative liaisons to contact their local newspapers regarding cyber charter reform and information will be distributed to local outlets this week.

  9. Lincoln Intermediate Unit Report
    1. The “…by Dawn’s Early Light”, highlights of the LIU Board meeting of June 2, is provided.

      Mrs. Freireich reported above. 

    2. LIU Joint Operating Authority Report – Mrs. Freireich

      No report.

  10. York Adams Academy Report – Mrs. Freireich
    The YAA Board Brief Report of May 26 is provided. 

    Mrs. Freireich reported above. The 52 June graduates were invited to join the mid-year December graduation exercises. All students received their diplomas. The faculty and staff were very helpful and available to all the students during the pandemic. 

  11. York Adams Tax Bureau Report – Mrs. Ciaciulli

    Mrs. Ciaciulli reported preliminary numbers for June EIT distribution were received today. They are coming in 36% less than the same time last year for York and Adams Counties.

  12. York County School of Technology Report – Mrs. Schroeder
    The YCST Joint Operating Committee Mini-Board Report of May 28 is provided.

    Mrs. Schroeder reported above. The virtual graduation was held on June 1. One of the YCST graduates, a student that lives in the Northeastern School District, is planning to attend the West Point United States Military Academy in the fall. This is certainly a testament to the academic standards at YCST. The Adult Education Program at YCST does offer the behind the wheel driving test in cooperation with PennDOT and interested parties can contact YCST for additional information. This is being offered to alleviate the long lines at PennDOT Centers.

  13. Additional Information  
  14. Upcoming Events
  15. Recognition of Visitors 

    Mr. Posenau thanked everyone for attending the meeting this evening.

  16. Board Meeting Schedule

    Mr. Posenau reported above. 

    Mr. Scalet shared the following statement, as a member of the School Board. I would like to acknowledge the pain that our country is going through. Reaffirming a vision of York Suburban as a place where students of all backgrounds and races know that the school is for them. I know that I speak for many in the commitment for equity of social justice and forthright discussions for how York Suburban can deliver a great education for all. A specific message I want to offer, as a School Board member, is to encourage as diverse participation as possible of the community in our School Board deliberations, listening carefully to those whose experiences may be different than our own. And more than that, to consider learning about and running for School Board for those who care for York Suburban in ways that express our diversity. I see many people deeply engaged in York Suburban who want to see it continue striving for academic excellence where students can achieve their full potential and bring new voices into the conversation.

  17. Public Comment. All comments and questions will be addressed to the President. Board and staff members will not normally respond to comments or questions during the meeting unless recognized by the President for this purpose. Comments will be limited, at the discretion of the President, to five minutes or less.

    Additional public comments that were shared.

    Mr. Posenau announced the locations of future Board meetings will be discussed as we navigate the Pandemic green phase in the county.

    Dr. Williams announced the opening of the stadium and athletic fields will be part of the Pandemic Health and Safety Plan to be brought to the Board in July. There will be no change at this time with the closed stadium and athletic fields as we cannot let our student-athletes on the fields until the Board approves the plan.

  18. Adjournment  

    The meeting was adjourned at 8:04 PM.


/s/ Kathy Ciaciulli, PCSBA, M.Ed.
Board Secretary


Link to Meeting Video