Minutes 2024-12-03

York Suburban Board Of School Directors
Reorganization/Planning Committee Meeting
December 3, 2024 – 7 p.m.
York Suburban High School Cafeteria
(Approved December 16, 2024)

Reorganization Meeting

  1. General Business 
    1. Mrs. Schroeder called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance
      to the Flag.
    2. Board Members Roll Call
      1. Present: Pinal Desai (virtually), Ellen Freireich, Nicole Hesson (virtually), Richard Robinson, James Sanders, Rolanda SanMartin, Lois Ann Schroeder, and Steve Sullivan. 
      2. Absent: Ashley Turner.
    3. An opportunity was provided for public comments on agenda items.
      1. Daniel Rooney (Spring Garden Township) commented on the Property and Finance Committee Report.    
  2. Board Reorganization
    1. Dr. Sullivan was unanimously elected the Temporary President.
      Motion, SanMartin, Second, Freireich; Public Comment: None. Approval: Roll Call Vote, eight (8) board members present, yes. Motion carried 8-0.
    2. Nominations Committee Report – Dr. Sullivan
      1. Dr. Sullivan reported that the Nominations Committee met at 6:30 pm on December 3, 2024, for the purpose of taking nominations for the offices of President and Vice-President. Mrs. Schroeder was nominated for the office of President. Mr. Robinson was nominated for the office of Vice-President. 
    3. Election of President
      1. Mrs. Schroeder was elected to the position of President.
        Motion, Robinson, Second, Freireich; Comment. Approval: Roll Call Vote, eight (8) board members present, Motion carried 7-1. (Nay Vote: Sanders)
    4. Election of Vice President
      1. Mr. Robinson was elected to the position of Vice President.
        Motion, Freireich, Second, Sullivan; Comment. Approval: Roll Call Vote, eight (8) board members present, Motion carried 7-1. (Nay Vote: Sanders)
    5. The Board unanimously approved the 2025 Board Meeting Schedule.
      Motion, Freireich, Second, Robinson; Comment. Approval: Roll Call Vote, eight (8) board members present, Motion carried 8-0. 
    6. The committee and miscellaneous Board representative opportunities were provided. Mrs. Schroeder asked Board members to submit their committee assignment preferences to her by the end of December. 
    7. The Reorganization Meeting concluded and transitioned into the Planning Committee Meeting. 

Planning Committee Meeting

  1. General Business – Mrs. Schroeder  
    1.  The Board approved the minutes from the regular monthly meeting held on November 25, 2024. 
  2. Board President’s Report Mrs. Schroeder
    1. Mrs. Schroeder reported the Board met in Executive Session at 5:30 pm on December 3, 2024, for the purpose of discussing District property as permitted by Section 707 of the Sunshine Act. No official action was taken.
  3. Student Board Representative Report – Nicole Escano Henriquez
    1. No report was provided. 
  4. Superintendent’s Report 
    1. No report was provided.
  5. Business Office Report 
    1. The following items were presented for discussion. They will be recommended for approval during the regular monthly meeting scheduled for December 16, 2024. 
      1. The Administration recommends Board approval for the Bilingual Evaluation Agreement with Jessica Betancourt Perez to conduct a bilingual evaluation at a total cost of $1,600, which is a $100 increase from 2023-24.
      2. The Administration recommends Board approval for the Memorandum of Understanding with The Allegheny Intermediate Unit to provide TransPerfect AI Portal Translation at a one-time, annual fee of $500.
      3. The Administration recommends Board approval for the Memorandum of Understanding with The Allegheny Intermediate Unit to provide TransPerfect Telephone Interpretation Services at an annual fee of $120, $0.95/minute, and video translation services at a rate of $3.25/minute beginning February 10, 2025 through February 10, 2026. No change in rate from the prior contract. 
      4. The Administration recommends the approval of the transfer of $300,000 from the 2023-24 Unassigned Fund balance to the Capital Reserve Fund for use in future capital projects. 
      5. The Administration recommends Board approval of the renewal of our insurance with Pareto Health for the calendar year 2025. The renewal is a 17% increase in our rates at a per-member rate for employees at $75.59/ month and a family rate at $299.75/month.
    2. The Board unanimously approved for the Tax Claim Bureau to accept a bid of $1,100 for the property located on Loucks Mill Road (48-000-01-0002.00-00000), which is currently assessed at $14,140. This property is currently on their repository list.
  6. Academic Standards & Curriculum Committee Report 
    1. Administrative Report
      1. Dr. Fuhrman provided a PA Assessment update and a brief update on Fall 2024 Science initiatives. Dr. Ellis provided details on proposed modified and new course offerings for the 2025-2026 school year.  
  7. Communications Committee Report 
    1. Mrs. Freireich reported that six (6) vendors have expressed interest in the Website RFP. The deadline to submit proposals is December 17, 2024. Mrs. Fourhman will provide an update at the January Planning Committee meeting, including highlights of each proposal we receive. 
  8. Personnel Committee Report 
    1. The Board unanimously approved the following items as part of a consent agenda.
      Motion, Robinson, Second, SanMartin; Approval. Roll Call Vote, eight (8) members present, yes. Motion carried 8-0.

      1. Volunteers
        1. Elias Rodriguez
        2. Stacie Hiras
        3. Rachel Blouch
  9. Property & Finance Committee Report 
    1. The Board approved the Resolution authorizing the maximum project cost and maximum building cost total for the York Suburban Intermediate School project pursuant to Section 7-701.1 of the PA School Code and to revise the Act 34 Project Booklet for the project in accordance with the maximum project cost and maximum building cost in such Resolution.
      Motion, Desai, Second, Robinson; Approval. Roll Call Vote, eight (8) members present, Motion carried 6-2. (Nay Votes: Sanders, Sullivan)
  10. Lincoln Intermediate Unit Report 
    1. Highlights were presented from the LIU Board Meeting held on November 26, 2024.
    2. LIU Joint Operating Authority Report
      1. No report was provided.
  11. York Adams Academy Report 
    1. Mrs. Freireich provided information on the following:
      1. 2025-2026 Budget
      2. Winter Graduation
  12. Legislative Update  
    1. No report was provided.
  13. York Adams Tax Bureau Report 
    1. No report was provided.
  14. York County School of Technology Report 
    1. No report was provided.
  15. Mrs. Schroeder thanked everyone for attending the meeting. 
  16. A list of Upcoming Events was provided.
  17. The Board Meeting & Committee Meeting Schedules were provided.
  18. Public Comments
    1. Dan Barker (Springettsbury Township) provided general comments to the Board. 
    2. Louise Soskin (Springettsbury Township) provided general comments on the District, community needs, and opportunities for support.
    3. Gary Tolton (Spring Garden Township) commented on District finances.
    4. Four (4) electronic public comments were made:
      1. Nicole Barley (Spring Garden Township) commented on the construction and renovation projects. 
      2. Lori Ehrlich (Spring Garden Township) commented on the construction and renovation projects.
      3. Emily Vuono (Spring Garden Township) commented on the construction and renovation projects.
      4. Dan Barker (Springettsbury Township) commented on the November 25, 2024 Board Meeting. 
  19.  Board Comments / Recognitions
    1. Mrs. Schroeder thanked the Board for their support and confidence in re-electing her as Board President.  
  20. Adjournment
    1. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 pm.