Military Recruitment & Information

Seniors & Juniors - if you are considering joining the military upon graduation, please review this provided information and complete the Military Tracking Form so your counselors can support you as you consider your next steps.

My Military Decision - when you have made a final decision to join the military, please complete this form so we can properly document your plans and recognize you.

My Military Decision

Military recruiters representing all branches of the armed services are scheduled to speak with students during lunches in the cafeteria 4 times a year (10/9, 12/11, 2/12, and 4/9).  Other presentations, based on student interest, are also arranged throughout the year.

An abundance of military-related resources is available in the Guidance Office.
The Armed Services Aptitude Vocational Battery (ASVAB) is given in November/December to interested juniors and seniors.  This battery is a written multiple-choice assessment of basic skills in ten areas including general science, arithmetic reasoning, word knowledge, paragraph comprehension, numerical operations, coding speed, auto and shop information, mathematics knowledge, mechanical comprehension, and electronics information.  The results can give reliable insight into career interests in the military and civilian world of work.
Contact information for local recruiters:
U.S. Recruiting Station
2159 White Street
York, PA 17404
Army - 717-852-0087
Navy - 717-848-4171
Marines - 717-848-2401
Air Force - 717-848-5656
PA Army National Guard - 717-757-0130

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