Minutes 2019-09-09

SEPTEMBER 9, 2019 – 7:00 PM

(approved on September 23, 2019)

Picture of the Week
  1. General Business
    Call to Order – Mr. Posenau, Board President

    1. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag 

      Mr. Posenau called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

    2. Roll Call 

      All members present – Ellen Freireich, John Posenau, Richard Robinson, James Sanders, Steve Scalet, Lois Ann Schroeder, Joel Sears, Michael Thoman, Kenneth Watts, Sophia Guyer (Student Representative)

    3. A reminder to please silence your cell phone during the meeting.

      Mr. Posenau reported above. 

    4. Public Comment. All comments and questions will be addressed to the President. Board and staff members will not normally respond to comments or questions during the meeting unless recognized by the President for this purpose. Comments will be limited, at the discretion of the President, to five minutes or less.

      An opportunity was provided for public comment. 

      Jamie Evans – on behalf York Suburban Education Association (YSEA), encouraged approval of the Personnel Committee recommendation of creating a School Nurse position in place of the current vacant Health Room Assistant position due to increasing demands

    5. Discussion and Action on Board Minutes.  Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Monthly Meeting of August 19, 2019.  [Approval as submitted/corrected]

      The Minutes were approved as submitted.

  2. Board President’s Report – Mr. Posenau
    Discussion about grade-level consolidation

    A discussion took place about grade-level consolidation/realignment that included being satisfied with the current configuration, neighborhood schools and small class size. Also, consolidation/realignment of grades being a wise step for financial efficiency, equity with students across the District, allowing additional collaboration of teachers and clustering grades to allow vertical movement with staff as needs demand. Transportation is a concern with long bus rides for grades K and 1 students to cross town and possibly consider other options or keeping the current configuration of Grades K and 1, the youngest students. Additional information was requested for a continued discussion at the October 7 Planning Committee meeting. Feedback from the teachers will be obtained from YSEA. The Board anticipates more discussion and action at the October 21 Regular Monthly Meeting.

  3. Superintendent’s Report – Dr. Williams
    1. (*) The Administration recommends Board approval of the confidential Administrative Disciplinary Hearing Agreement for SID# 6443962141, following a hearing conducted by Board appointed hearing officer, Scott Krauser. The Agreement sets forth the details of the recommendation in response to an Act 26 violation. The student will complete a ten-day out of school suspension and must adhere to the established safety plan for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year.  [Motion; Discussion; Roll Call Vote]

      Motion, Watts, Second, Freireich; Approval. Roll Call Vote, all present, yes. Motion carried 9-0.

    2. Reports from Administrators

      Mrs. Fasick, Middle School Assistant Principal, provided a report on the first three weeks at the Middle School. Student Council ‘chalked the walk’ at entrances to welcome students to the building. Positive messages have been added to the hallways. The 7th grade science students are enjoying the rat experiment testing project. The back to school nights were successful and CHIP student peer helpers were involved to assist parents. The 6th grade students hit the ground running with a three-day boot camp and had a field trip to Ski Round Top to work on team building to work together. The ELA class held a newspaper fashion show. The Trojan Takeover is the one fundraiser for the year that provides many opportunities for the students with its proceeds. 

      Dr. Monos, Valley View Elementary Principal, shared about enjoying the earlier discussion where you talk about people and people matter. He shared praise about the staff at Valley View Elementary and throughout the District as everyone prepared for a new school year with many preparations, back to school nights and daily communication with parents. Students are cared for, plans are in place for safety and work continues tirelessly around the district. The faculty took a deep dive into math at this week’s faculty meeting

  4. Business Office Report – Ms. Mason
    1. Items recommended for approval on September 23, 2019:
      1. The Administration recommends Board approval of the District positions and personnel permitted to use the District’s procurement cards and their corresponding spending limits as directed in Policy 625, Procurement Cards.

        Ms. Mason reported above.

      2. The Administration recommends Board approval of the Budget Timeline for the 2020-2021 Budget.

        Ms. Mason reported above and shared this information will be reviewed at this week’s Finance Committee meeting. Please share any concerns or thoughts. It was recently announced that the base index will be 2.6%, with the adjusted index expected to be around 3%.

    2. Informational
      1. Donation from Indian Rock PTO in the amount of $1,453.50 for agendas.
      2. Donation from the All Sports Booster Club in the amount of $766.96 for the fan bus to State College for Volleyball.

        Ms. Mason reported above. 

  5. Student Board Representative Report – Sophia Guyer

    Miss Guyer provided an athletic report. The MiniTHON committee is planning its first Gold Out for all sports teams to support the Four Diamonds Fund Foundation. Impact Foundation members have completed packing backpacks for distribution to students in need. Link Crew students attended a recent York Revolution game and a good time was had by all. In approximately one week, Homecoming activities will officially begin and the theme is Decades, with spirit days scheduled during the week. The traditional Powder Puff Games, Parade and Bonfire are scheduled on Thursday, September 19, followed by the annual pep rally on Friday for high school students. The Homecoming game will be on Friday night and the Homecoming dance on Saturday night.

  6. Committee Reports – Mr. Posenau
    1. Committee Meeting Schedule

      Mr. Posenau reported above. 

    2. Personnel Committee Report – Mr. Robinson
      1. The minutes of June 10 are provided.

        Mr. Robinson reported above and announced the next Personnel Committee meeting is scheduled on September 12 at 5:00 PM.

      2. (*) Consent Agenda: [You have before you the Personnel Report which includes employment, positions and leave of absence. Would any Board member like any of these items considered separately or are there any questions on any of these items? If not, the chair moves approval of the below-mentioned items; Roll Call Vote]

        Mrs. Freireich requests Item b. ii. be separate as she plans to vote no because she believes a full-time certified school nurse should be in every elementary building.

        Motion, Sears, Second, Watts; Approval of consent agenda, except Item b. ii. Roll Call Vote, all present, yes. Motion carried 9-0.

        Motion, Watts, Second, Sears; Approval of Item b. ii.

        A discussion continued about this building being at the primary level with the certification being changed and the structure remaining the same.

        Roll Call Vote, all present, yes, except Freireich, no. Motion carried 8-1.

        1. Employment  
          Recommend the employment transfer for Nicole Love from full time 2nd shift custodian to full time 1st shift custodian, effective September 10, 2019.  Ms. Love’s assignment will be at York Suburban Middle School.
        2. Positions 
          1. Approve the recommended change for the Administrative Assistant for Human Resources to Level II, Range II classification as outlined in the salary study provided by PSBA, effective July 1, 2019.  This recommendation is based off of the assignment from the Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board as an exempt and confidential position.
          2. Approve the recommendation to create a Certified School Nurse position in place of the current vacant Health Room Assistant position.
        3. Leave of Absence  
          Request approval of the leave of absence for Emily Barton, Elementary Teacher, on or about October 17, 2019 through January 20, 2020 for child rearing purposes.
    3. Additional Committee Reports 

      Mrs. Freireich reported a Facilities Committee meeting will be held on Wednesday at 4:30, followed by a tour of the High School and East York Elementary to see work from summer projects. Mr. Sears and Mr. Thoman plan to attend the tour.

      Mrs. Schroeder reported an Academic Standards and Curriculum Committee meeting is scheduled on Wednesday at 3:30 PM.

  7. Legislative Update – Mr. Robinson
    PA School Boards Association Officer Elections

    Mr. Robinson asks everyone to review the list of candidates and be ready to vote at the September 23 Regular Monthly meeting.

  8. Lincoln Intermediate Unit Report
    1. The “…by Dawn’s Early Light”, highlights of the LIU Board meeting of September 3, is provided.

      Mrs. Friereich reported above. 

    2. LIU Joint Operating Authority Report – Mrs. Freireich

      Mrs. Freireich reported the Authority will meet at the end of September.

  9. York Adams Academy Report – Mrs. Freireich

    Mrs. Freireich reported all 12 YS slots are active. 

  10. York Adams Tax Bureau Report – Ms. Mason

    No report

  11. York County School of Technology Report – Mrs. Schroeder
    The YCST Joint Operating Committee Mini-Board Report of August 22 is provided.

    Mrs. Schroeder reported above. There are 60 YS students enrolled full-time and seven YS students enrolled part-time. There are a total of 63 part-time students enrolled at YCST for flex enrollment.

  12. Recognition of Visitors  
  13. Board Meeting Schedule

    Mr. Posenau reported above. 

  14. Public Comment. All comments and questions will be addressed to the President. Board and staff members will not normally respond to comments or questions during the meeting unless recognized by the President for this purpose. Comments will be limited, at the discretion of the President, to five minutes or less.

    An opportunity was provided for public comment. 

    Anne Gray, 1471 Sleepy Hollow Road – commented on the grade consolidation discussion

    Miss Hannick, School Nurse at Yorkshire – appreciated the Board’s vote earlier in the meeting

  15. Adjournment 

    The meeting was adjourned at 8:02 PM. 


/s/ Corinne D. Mason, PCSBA, M.Ed.
Board Secretary


Link to Meeting Video