Agenda 2021-01-11

JANUARY 11, 2021 – 7:00 PM

Due to health and safety reasons, a virtual meeting format will be utilized.

An Executive Session has been scheduled at 6:45 PM, prior to this meeting.


Picture of the Week
  1. General Business
    Call to Order – Mr. Posenau, Board President

    1. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
    2. Roll Call
    3. A reminder to please silence your cell phone during the meeting.
    4. Public Comment. Place your comments at the Public Comment Form link found on this page. All comments and questions will be addressed to the President. Board and staff members will not normally respond to comments or questions during the meeting unless recognized by the President for this purpose. Comments will be limited, at the discretion of the President, to five minutes or less.

      Public comment that was shared.

    5. Discussion and Action on Board Minutes. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Monthly Meeting of December 21, 2020.  [Approval as submitted/corrected]
  2. Board President’s Report – Mr. Posenau
    1. The Board met in Executive Session in a virtual meeting format prior to this meeting as permitted by Section 707 of the Sunshine Act for the purpose of discussing matters of personnel. No official action was taken.
    2. Committee Assignments and Meeting Schedule
      1. 2021 Officers and Committee Assignments 
      2. 2021 Committee Meeting Schedule 
  3. Superintendent’s Report – Dr. Williams
    1. Item recommended for approval on January 25, 2021:
      The Administration recommends approval of the proposed 2021-2022 School Calendar
    2. Reports from Administrators
      1. Dr. Denise Fuhrman – East York Elementary Principal
      2. Dr. Michael Snedden – Middle School Principal
      3. Miranda King – Social Worker
  4. Business Office Report – Mrs. Ciaciulli
    1. Presentation of the York County School of Technology Proposed 2021-2022 Budget – Dr. David Thomas, YCST Director, Mr. Scott Rogers, YCST Assistant Director, and Mr. Jon Boyer, YCST Business Administrator

      YCST Joint Operating Committee Presentation of the Proposed 2021-22 Budget

    2. Items recommended for approval on January 25, 2021:
      1. The Administration recommends the Board approve the agreement between specialized
        Education Services of PA, Inc. d/b/a High Road School of York to provide non-traditional
        placement educational services for the 2020-21 school year.
      2. The Administration recommends the Board approve the 2021 IRS mileage of 56 cents per mile
        effective January 1, 2021 as required by Board Policy 331- Job Related Expenses.
      3. The Administration recommends the Board renew the GASB 75 Valuation and Related Services
        Agreement with Conrad Siegel Actuaries through PA Trust as presented.
      4. The Administration recommends the Board deny the request to waive the penalty tax on
        property number 48-000-34-0086.A0-C0019.
  5. Student Board Representative Report – Carly Bowen
  6. Committee Reports – Mr. Posenau
    1. Committee Meeting Schedule 
    2. Personnel Committee Report – Mr. Robinson
      Consent Agenda: [You have before you the Personnel Report which includes retirement, resignation, and employment. Would any Board member like any of these items considered separately or are there any questions on any of these items? If not, the chair moves approval of the below-mentioned items; Roll Call Vote]

      1. Retirement
        1. Recommend approval of the retirement for Leigh Foy, High School Biology Teacher, effective the end of the 2020-2021 school year. Ms. Foy is retiring after having served 30 years in education, 18 of which were with York Suburban School District.
        2. Recommend approval of the retirement for Wendy Erwine, Executive Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent, effective June 30, 2021. Ms. Erwine is retiring after having served 41 years with York Suburban School District.
        3. Recommend approval of the retirement for Brian Marshall, Elementary Health and Physical Education Teacher, effective the end of the 2020-2021 school year. Mr. Marshall is retiring after having served 38 years in education, 32 of which were with York Suburban School District.
      2. Resignation
        Recommend the approval of the resignation for Kelsey Hartman, Administrative Assistant for Human Resources, effective January 6, 2021.
      3. Employment
        1. Recommend the employment transfer of Stephanie Wilt, full-time Administrative Assistant at the Middle School, to full-time Administrative Assistant for Accounts Payable, at the hourly rate of $21.43, effective January 18, 2021.
        2. Recommend the employment transfer of Lonna Trump, full-time Administrative Assistant for Accounts Payable, to full-time Level II Accountant, at the annual rate of $47,834, pro-rated effective January 18, 2021.
        3. Recommend the employment of the following STS Guest Teachers.
          1. Andrew Geller
          2. Catherinanne Jones
          3. Olivia Kratzer
          4. Trisha Propst
          5. Stephanie Thompson
          6. Kristy Zweiacher
    3. Additional Committee Reports
  7. Legislative Update – Mr. Robinson
  8. Lincoln Intermediate Unit Report
    1. The “…by Dawn’s Early Light”, highlights of the LIU Board meeting of January 5, is provided.
    2. LIU Joint Operating Authority Report – Mrs. Freireich
  9. York Adams Academy Report – Mrs. Freireich
  10. York Adams Tax Bureau Report – Mrs. Ciaciulli
  11. York County School of Technology Report – Mrs. Schroeder
  12. Recognition of Visitors
  13. Board Meeting Schedule 
  14. Public Comment. Place your comments at the Public Comment Form link found on this page. All comments and questions will be addressed to the President. Board and staff members will not normally respond to comments or questions during the meeting unless recognized by the President for this purpose. Comments will be limited, at the discretion of the President, to five minutes or less.
  15. Adjournment