Agenda 2021-03-08

MARCH 8, 2021 – 7:00 PM
Due to health and safety reasons, a virtual meeting format will be utilized.


Picture of the Week
  1. General Business
    Call to Order – Mr. Posenau, Board President

    1. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
    2. Roll Call
    3. A reminder to please silence your cell phone during the meeting.
    4. Public Comment. Place your comments at the Public Comment Form link found on this page.  All comments and questions will be addressed to the President. Board and staff members will not normally respond to comments or questions during the meeting unless recognized by the President for this purpose. Comments will be limited, at the discretion of the President, to five minutes or less.

      Public Comment that was shared. 

    5. Discussion and Action on Board Minutes. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Monthly Meeting of February 22, 2021.  [Approval as submitted/corrected]
  2. Board President’s Report – Mr. Posenau
    The Board Negotiation Committee met in a virtual meeting format on February 24, 2021 as permitted by Section 707 of the Sunshine Act. No official action was taken.
  3. Superintendent’s Report – Dr. Williams
    1. Staff Vaccination Update
    2. Learning Mode for Middle School
    3. Realignment Pause and Update
    4. Reports from Administrators
      1. Dr. Fuhrman, East York Elementary Principal
      2. Dr. Adams, High School Assistant Principal
  4. Business Office Report – Mrs. Ciaciulli
    1. Items recommended for approval on March 22, 2021:
      1. The Administration recommends the Board approve the renewal contract with Tomlinson Bomberger for fertilizer, weed, and lawn treatments District-wide for a total of $12,454, an increase of $70.00 over the 2020 contract year.
      2. The Administration recommends the Board approve the agreement with The Meadows Psychiatric Center to provide educational services at a rate of $67 per day for the 2021-22 and the 2022-23 school year.
      3. The Administration recommends the Board authorize the Business Office to advertise and solicit proposals for banking services.
    2. Informational
      1. Door Project Descope Options 
      2. 2021-22 Budget Update 
  5. Student Board Representative Report – Carly Bowen
  6. Committee Reports – Mr. Posenau
    1. Committee Meeting Schedule 
    2. Personnel Committee Report – Mr. Robinson
      1. The minutes of October 21 are provided. 
      2. Consent Agenda: [You have before you the Personnel Report which includes employment, extracurricular, and leave of absence. Would any Board member like any of these items considered separately or are there any questions on any of these items? If not, the chair moves approval of the below-mentioned items; Roll Call Vote]
        1. Employment
          1. Recommend the employment of Tammy Daugherty, Health Room Assistant, at a daily rate of $22.19, effective March 15, 2021, pending receipt and approval of Act 168 clearances.
          2. Recommend the employment of the following STS Guest Teachers.
            1. Ronald Crone
            2. Katherine Georgakopoulos
            3. Claudia Gonzalez
            4. Michelle Alyssa Huffer
            5. Kimberly Keene
            6. Christopher King
            7. Linda Klinedinst
            8. Sydney Nash
            9. Paul Gerard Ross Jr.
            10. Erica Lynn Shearer
            11. Katelyn Ann Weyant
        2. Extracurricular
          1. The Administration recommends the Board rescind the approval of Zane Ruth, Fall Percussion/Drumline, at the supplemental rate of $1,355 which represents Tier 4, Step 1 of the Extracurricular Salary Schedule for the 2020-21 school year.
          2. Recommend the approval of Zane Ruth, Fall Color Guard, at the supplemental rate of $1,787  which represents Tier 3, Step 1 of the Extracurricular Salary Schedule for the 2020-21 school year.
        3. Leave of Absence
          1. Recommend the approval for intermittent FMLA leave for Linda Hamm, Paraprofessional,  effective March 8, 2021, for 12 weeks.
          2. Recommend the approval for FMLA leave for Lauren Arvanites, Mathematics Teacher, on or before May 20, 2021, through the end of the school year.
      3. Appointment of Superintendent.  The Board will vote on the reappointment of Dr. Timothy P. Williams as the Superintendent of the York Suburban School District for a second term. Contract to be negotiated at a later time.  [Motion; Discussion; Roll Call Vote]
      4. Recommend Board approval of the elimination of the Administrative Assistant to Human Resources, effective March 8, 2021.  [Motion; Discussion; Roll Call Vote]
      5. Recommend Board approval of the creation and approval of the job description for the Human Resources Specialist, effective March 8, 2021.  [Motion; Discussion; Roll Call Vote]
      6. Recommend Board approval of the implementation of a District-operated Autistic Support Program at the High School, effective August 2021, and notification of the LIU regarding the District’s intention for transfer of entity. This classroom would include one teacher and two paraprofessionals.  [Motion; Discussion; Roll Call Vote]
      7. Recommend Board approval of the implementation of a District-operated Intensive Learning Support Program at the Middle School, effective August 2021. This classroom would include one teacher and two paraprofessionals.  [Motion; Discussion; Roll Call Vote]
      8. Items recommended for approval on March 22, 2021.
        1. Recommend Board approval of the elimination of the following positions effective in the 2021-22 school year:
          1. Executive Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent
          2. Director of Human Resources
          3. 2 Elementary Physical Education Teachers
          4. 1 Elementary Librarian
        2. Recommend Board approval of the creation and job descriptions (where applicable) of the following positions effective in the 2021-22 school year:
          1. Coordinator of Communications and Administrative Services
          2. Assistant Director of Pupil Personnel
          3. Elementary Reading Specialist
          4. Elementary English Language Instructor
          5. 4 Part-time five-hour Library Paraprofessionals
          6. Increase Math Support Paraprofessional at Indian Rock Elementary from 3.75 hours to 7 hours
          7. Increase Math Support Paraprofessional at East York Elementary from 3.75 hours to 7 hours
        3. Recommend Board approval of the elimination of the Administrative Assistant position. This position is combined with the Coordinator of Child Accounting/Transportation.
        4. Recommend Board approval of the approval and implementation of clinical advantage, low clinical value, and a Voluntary Smart 90 Maintenance Programs to the prescription plan effective July 1, 2021.
    3. Policy Review Committee Report – Mr. Thoman
      The following policies were discussed at the January 25 committee meeting and recommended out of committee for First Read by the Board at the February 8 and 22 meetings, Second Read at the March 8 meeting, and anticipated adoption at the March 22 meeting.

      1. 113.1 – Discipline of Students with Disabilities
      2. 113.2 – Behavior Support
      3. 113.4 – Confidentiality of Special Education Student Information
      4. 122 – Extracurricular Activities
      5. 123 – Interscholastic Athletics
      6. 123.2 – Sudden Cardiac Arrest
      7. 314 – Physical Examination
      8. 317.1 – Educator Misconduct
      9. 323 – Tobacco
      10. 333 – Professional Development
      11. 334 – Sick Leave
      12. 340 – Responsibility for Student Welfare
      13. 705 – Safety
      14. 805 – Emergency Preparedness
      15. 805.1 – Relations with Law Enforcement Agencies
      16. 824 – Maintaining Professional Adult/Student Boundaries
      17. 904 – Public Attendance at District-Sponsored Events
    4. Additional Committee Reports
  7. Legislative Update – Mr. Robinson
  8. Lincoln Intermediate Unit Report
    1. The “…by Dawn’s Early Light”, highlights of the LIU Board meeting of March 2, is provided. 
    2. LIU Joint Operating Authority Report – Mrs. Freireich
  9. York Adams Academy Report – Mrs. Freireich
    The YAA Board Brief Report of February 23 is provided. 
  10. York Adams Tax Bureau Report – Mrs. Ciaciulli
  11. York County School of Technology Report – Mrs. Schroeder
    The YCST Joint Operating Committee Mini-Board Report of February 25 is provided.
  12. Recognition of Visitors
  13. Board Meeting Schedule 
  14. Public Comment. Place your comments at the Public Comment Form link found on this page. All comments and questions will be addressed to the President. Board and staff members will not normally respond to comments or questions during the meeting unless recognized by the President for this purpose. Comments will be limited, at the discretion of the President, to five minutes or less.
  15. Adjournment