Minutes 2023-03-27

York Suburban Board Of School Directors
Regular Monthly Meeting
March 27, 2023 – 7 p.m.
Ronald H. Provard Education Center

(Approved on April 11, 2023)

Below is an update from the regular monthly meeting held on March 27, 2023. The meeting was conducted in the Ronald H. Provard Education Center. For additional information, please reference the school board website or the full video of the meeting.

  1. General Business – Mrs. Schroeder, Board President
    1. Mrs. Schroeder called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
    2. Board Members Roll Call
      1. Present: Lois Ann Schroeder, John Posenau, Joel Sears. Richard Robinson, Ellen Freireich, Steven Sullivan, Pinal Desai, James Sanders, and Michael Thoman. 
      2. Absent: None.
    3. An opportunity was provided for public comments.
      1. One public comment was submitted electronically.  
      2. Aimee Peters (S. Rockburn St.) offered thoughts regarding student safety.   
    4. Approval of Minutes
      1. The minutes were approved for the planning meeting conducted on March 13, 2023.
  2. Treasurer’s Report – Mr. Sears
    1. The following financial reports for February 2023 were unanimously approved by the Board as part of a consent agenda. (1 – Sears, 2 – Desai)
      1. Treasurer’s Reports
      2. General Fund Revenue Report
      3. General Fund Expenditure Report
      4. Summary Reports
        1. Capital Project, Capital Reserve, Food Service
      5. Check Summary Reports
        1. General Fund, Food Service, Capital Project, Capital Reserve
      6. Student Activities Fund Revenue Report
      7. Student Activities Fund Expenditure Report
  3. Board President’s Report – Mrs. Schroeder
    1. No report was provided.
  4. Superintendent’s Report – Dr. Krauser
    1. Dr. Krauser presented the Superintendent’s Report
      1. Administrative Reports
        1. Mrs. Markey provided a presentation on York Suburban’s music program in celebration of Music in our Schools Month.
        2. Dr. Adams and Mr. Coursey provided a summary on winter extracurricular activities. 
        3. Dr. Lorfink and Dr. Campbell provided an overview of how the District utilizes our MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Support) to ensure the safe behavior and well-being of our students. Primary, intermediate, and secondary building administrators were present to provide specific examples of each tier.
    2. The Board unanimously approved to adopt the following policy revisions. (1-Robinson, 2-Freireich)
      1. Policy 005 – Organization 
      2. Policy 011 – Principles for Governance and Leadership
      3. Policy 200 – Enrollment of Students
      4. Policy 202 – Eligibility of Nonresident Students
      5. Policy 204 – Attendance
      6. Policy 217 – Graduation Requirements
      7. Policy 221 – Dress and Grooming
      8. Policy 233 – Suspension and Expulsion
      9. Policy 810 – Transportation
    3. The Board unanimously approved the Professional Development Committee as part of the Comprehensive Planning Process for 2023-2026. This committee is made up of stakeholders from the larger Comprehensive Planning Committee. (1-Freireich, 2-Sullivan)
    4. The Board unanimously approved the Dual Enrollment Agreement with York College of Pennsylvania to provide dual credit coursework to certain qualified York Suburban high school students. The term of this agreement shall be effective for the 2023-2025 academic years. (1-Thoman, 2-Freireich)
    5. The Board unanimously approved the Dual Credit Affiliation Agreement with The Pennsylvania State University to provide dual credit coursework to certain qualified York Suburban high school students. This agreement shall commence on the effective date and shall continue for a period of five (5) years. (1-Freireich, 2-Sears)
    6. Dr. Krauser recognized the following donation.
      1. $500.00 from Evapco, Inc. to the High School Technology Student Association student activity fund.
  5. Business Office Report – Mrs. Ciaciulli
    1. The following items were unanimously approved by the Board as part of a consent agenda. (1-Robinson, 2-Desai)
      1. The Administration recommends the Board approve the Linkage Agreement with Pennsylvania Comprehensive Behavioral Health Services, LLC, Outpatient Psychiatric Clinic/Intensive Behavioral Health Services. 
      2. The Administration recommends the Board approve the Tuition Agreement with New Story, LLC to provide special education services to “Student A” at a daily rate of $330.00 beginning February 21, 2023 through May 31, 2023. 
      3. The Administration recommends the Board approve the following: the staffing terms and conditions of the Assignment agreement with USA Staffing Services, LLC to provide staffing services from USA, by and through the services of their affiliate BlueCloud; and the Assignment & Bill Rate Summary with BlueCloud Staffing to provide a School Nurse LPN at an hourly rate of $65.00 at 7.5 hours per day. The contract begins March 13, 2023 and ends May 31, 2023. 
    2. The Board unanimously accepted the proposal from Weaver Consultants Group for the closure of the one 1,000-gallon underground storage tank at a total estimated cost of $12,580.00. (1-Desai, 2-Sears)
  6. Student Board Representative Report 
    1. Ms. Long provided information on the following items:
      1. Spring Sports
      2. Gold out next week
      3. Mini-Thon
      4. Prom is 5/19/23
      5. FCCLA State Conference awards
  7. Committee Reports
    1. Personnel Committee Report – Mr. Robinson
      1. Consent Agenda: The following Personnel items were presented to the Board for consideration. Motions were made to approve the consent agenda. (1 – Robinson, 2 – Desai)
        1. Employment
          1. Recommend the Board approve Claire Shorb, Special Education Teacher, at York Suburban Middle School, at $60,835 per year prorated which represents Bachelor, step 1 of the York Suburban Education Association Collective Bargaining Agreement. This approval is pending receipt of clearances and new hire paperwork.             
        2. Resignations/Retirements
          1. Recommend the Board rescind the approval of Tierra Bird as Paraprofessional at Valley View Elementary at the request of Ms. Bird. 
          2. Recommend the Board accept the retirement of Wendy Ross, Teacher at East York Elementary, effective November 3rd, 2023. Ms. Ross is retiring after serving 24 years in public education of which she served 19 years with the York Suburban School District. 
          3. Recommend the Board accept the resignation of Penny Fox, Payroll & Benefits Specialist, effective April 6, 2023. 
        3. Leaves of Absence
          1. Recommend the board approve Family Medical Leave of absence for Linda Kauffman, Custodian, effective April 4, 2023 through April 21, 2023. 
        4. Extra Curricular
          1. Recommend the Board approve Nicholas Hendler as High School Assistant Lacrosse #2, tier 3 base sport at $2,650 as per the YSEA bargaining agreement. 
          2. Recommend the Board approve Marcella Oathout as NHS Advisor, at $550.33 (1 / 3 of the annual amount) for the remainder of the 22-23 school year, as per the YSEA bargaining agreement.
        5. Substitutes:
          1. Recommend the Board approve the following STS Substitutes:
            1. Elizabeth Denlinger
            2. Hudson Smith
        6. Guest Teachers
          1. Recommend the Board approve the following guest teachers:
            1. Lauren Maurice 
            2. Kayla Moore
        7. Volunteers: 
          1. Recommend the Board approve the following volunteers: 
            1. Tonya Bastinelli
            2. Lauren Bishard
            3. Nicole Farmer
            4. Christopher Giovanis
            5. Jade Heggens
            6. Julia Liddick
            7. Sam Miller
            8. Emily Noll
            9. Jarod Pichler
            10. Precious Richardson
            11. Sorn Sanh
            12. Kristal Sawyer
            13. Joseph Terroso
            14. Shannon Weichler
            15. Denise Williams
        8. Bus Drivers:
          1. Recommend the Board approve the following van/bus drivers for Reliance Transportation as presented:
            1. Gary Rodriguez
            2. Apryl Bowles
            3. Krista Swarr
      2. The Board unanimously approved the new 2023-2024 personnel requests as presented at the March 6 committee meeting of two additional elementary teachers, a middle school learning support teacher, and two speech and language pathologists. (1-Robinson, 2-Freireich)
      3. The minutes were presented from the meeting held on March 6, 2023.
    2. Property and Finance Committee Report – Mr. Sears
      1. The minutes were presented from the meeting held on February 20, 2023.
      2. Mr. Sears provided an update about the meeting held on March 20, 2023.
  8. Legislative Update – Mr. Robinson
    1. Mr. Robinson provided information on the following:
      1. The Education Advocate Rally in Harrisburg on March 22, 2023. 
      2. Senate Bill 518
      3. PA House Bill 670
  9. Lincoln Intermediate Unit Report – Mrs. Freireich
    1. No report was provided.
    2. LIU Joint Operating Authority 
      1. Mrs. Freireich reported that the LIU Joint Operating Authority met last week. 
  10. York Adams Academy Report – Mrs. Freireich
    1. All ten participating districts approved the YAA budget. 
  11. York Adams Tax Bureau Report – Mrs. Ciaciulli
    1. No report was provided.
  12. York County School of Technology Report – Mrs. Schroeder
    1. No report was provided.
  13. Mrs. Schroeder thanked everyone for attending the meeting.
  14. A list of upcoming events was provided.
  15. The board meeting and committee meeting schedules were provided.
  16. An opportunity was provided for public comment.
    1. Cathy Shaffer (Spring Garden Township) made a comment on the musical talents of our School Board Directors. 
    2. Ryan White (Kershaw Street) commented on social media posts.
    3. Sarah Reinecker (Spring Garden Township) commented on the YS community. 
  17. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

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