Minutes 2023-04-11
York Suburban Board Of School Directors
Planning Committee Meeting
April 11, 2023 – 7 p.m.
Ronald H. Provard Education Center
(Approved on April 24, 2023)
Below is an update from the Planning Committee meeting held on April 11, 2023. The meeting was conducted in the Ronald H. Provard Education Center. For additional information, please reference the school board website or the full video of the meeting.
- General Business – Mrs. Schroeder, Board President
- Mrs. Schroeder called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
- Board Members Roll Call
- Present: Lois Ann Schroeder, Richard Robinson, Ellen Freireich, Joel Sears, Steven Sullivan, Pinal Desai, and James Sanders.
- Absent: Michael Thoman, John Posenau.
- An opportunity was provided for public comments.
- One public comment was submitted electronically.
- No in-person comments were made.
- Approval of Minutes
- The minutes were approved for the regular monthly meeting conducted on March 27, 2023.
- Board President’s Report – Mrs. Schroeder
- No report was provided.
- Superintendent’s Report – Dr. Krauser
- Administrator Reports
- Dr. Fuhrman gave a presentation on the progress of the mathematics and science curriculum planning process. Mrs. Robson, 4th Grade math teacher, provided information about her experience on the Math steering committee and the building of the cornerstone assessments.
- The following proposed policy revisions were presented for a first read. They will be presented for a second reading on May 8, 2023, with the intent that there will be a vote to adopt the revisions during the meeting on May 30, 2023.
- Administrator Reports
- Business Office Report – Mrs. Ciaciulli
- The following items were presented for discussion. They will be recommended for approval during the regular monthly meeting scheduled for April 24, 2023.
- The Administration recommends Board approval of the Real Property Tax Exemption Certificate for parcel # 46-000-04-0149.00-00000 under the Pennsylvania State Veterans’ Commission for Real Estate Tax Exemption.
- The Administration recommends Board approval of the Real Property Tax Exemption Certificate for parcel # 46-000-43-00-0004.00-00000 under the Pennsylvania State Veterans’ Commission for Real Estate Tax Exemption.
- The Administration recommends the Board approve the Agreement with Northeastern School District to provide special education services within Northeastern’s Emotional Support program during the 2022-2023 School Year in accordance with the Student’s IEP. The charge for the basic education classroom for the Student will be $22,369.00
- The Administration recommends the Board approve the Memorandum of Understanding with the Commonwealth University of Pennsylvania to provide early college program courses to eligible York Suburban high school students.
- The Administration recommends the Board approve the contract with Billings Bilingual to provide translation services for a cost of $70 per hour for the 2023-2024 school year.
- The Administration recommends the Board approve the contract with Music Theatre International for the rights to perform She Loves Me in March of 2024. The total cost of the rights is $3,470 to be funded through the High School Musical student activity account.
- The Administration recommends the Board approve the 2023-24 health insurance premium rates as listed below. These rates reflect a total premium increase of 2.7% for ChoiceBlue and 10.2% for BluePPO . The employee’s contribution for medical insurance will be 10% of the total cost of the medical coverage to the employer:
- Blue Choice Active Employees (2.7% increase):
Single Coverage
- Blue PPO Active Employees (10.2% increase):
Single Coverage
- Retiree/Cobra (base, does not include 2% admin fee):
Single Coverage
- Blue Choice Active Employees (2.7% increase):
- The following items were presented for discussion. They will be recommended for approval during the regular monthly meeting scheduled for April 24, 2023.
- Student Board Representative Report
- Ms. Soares provided information on the following items:
- Mini-Thon- April 14
- Junior Achievement event on April 13 for all Juniors
- GSA Day of Silence – April 14
- HS Theatre Production “Almost Maine” will be showing 4/20-4/22
- Impact Foundation is hosting an open night on April 23 at Luther Memorial Church located beside the high school.
- Multicultural Festival – April 26
- Impact Foundation will be part of Give Local York on 5/4 – 5/5
- Prom – May 19
- Ms. Soares provided information on the following items:
- Committee Reports
- Personnel Committee Report – Mr. Robinson
- Consent Agenda: The following Personnel items were presented to the Board for consideration. Motions were made to approve the consent agenda. (1 – Robinson, 2 – Desai)
- Employment
- Recommend the Board approve Amanda Hickey-Bauer as Paraprofessional at Valley View Elementary School, at $13.80 per hour, as per the YSESPA Agreement. This approval is pending receipt of clearances and new hire paperwork.
- Recommend the Board approve Julia Sowers for the 6th Grade Science Teacher position at York Suburban Middle School, at $62,720 per year, effective at the start of the 2023-2024 school year. This represents Bachelors, step 1 of the YSEA bargaining agreement. This approval is pending receipt of clearances and new hire paperwork.
- Recommend the Board approve Chelsea Watson for the Learning Support Teacher position at York Suburban Middle School, at $75,220 per year, effective at the start of the 2023-2024 school year. This represents Masters, Step 3 of the YSEA bargaining agreement. This approval is pending receipt of clearances and new hire paperwork.
- Resignations/Retirements
- Recommend the Board accept the resignation of Nate Hoover, HS Assistant #1 Boys Lacrosse Coach, effective March 25, 2023.
- Recommend the Board accept the resignation of Christina Collins, Paraprofessional at Valley View Elementary, effective 5/31/2023.
- Leave of Absence
- Recommend the Board approve Family Medical Leave of absence for Shannon Mitchell, High School Teacher, effective near or on 5/2/23 until the end of the 22-23 school year.
- Recommend the Board approve Family Medical Leave of absence for Erika Hallman, High School Teacher, effective 3/5/23 until the end of the 22-23 school year.
- Extra Curricular
- Recommend the Board approve Nicholas Hendler as High School Assistant #1 Boys Lacrosse Coach, tier 2 sport at $3,304 as per the YSEA bargaining agreement.
- Recommend the Board approve Nate Neuman and Mike Bond to equally split the position of HS Softball Assistant #1 at $2,177.50.
- Recommend the Board approve Anastasia Evans as High School Assistant #3 Track and Field Coach, tier 4 sport at $2,000 as per the YSEA bargaining agreement.
- Guest Teachers
- Recommend the Board approve the following guest teachers:
- Laura Cunningham
- Lori Loken
- Recommend the Board approve the following guest teachers:
- Volunteers
- Recommend the Board approve the following volunteers:
- Robert Erney
- Lisa Helsel
- Kim McKenna
- John Navratil
- Melissa Plotkin
- Natalie Sorbello-Erney
- Jennifer Wisman
- Recommend the Board approve the following volunteers:
- Employment
- Consent Agenda: The following Personnel items were presented to the Board for consideration. Motions were made to approve the consent agenda. (1 – Robinson, 2 – Desai)
- Personnel Committee Report – Mr. Robinson
- Legislative Update – Mr. Robinson
- Mr. Robinson provided information about the following topics:
- PSBA Advocacy Day – April 18
- The Senate Appropriations Committee has been holding hearings pertaining to school reserves.
- State Representative Mike Schlossberg plans to introduce a bill requiring charter schools to disclose in their advertisements that they are funded by taxpayers.
- Mr. Robinson provided information about the following topics:
- Lincoln Intermediate Unit Report – Mrs. Freireich
- The highlights were presented from the meeting held on April 4, 2023.
- LIU Joint Operating Authority Report – Mrs. Freireich
- No report was provided.
- York Adams Academy Report – Mrs. Freireich
- No report was provided.
- York Adams Tax Bureau Report – Mrs. Ciaciulli
- No report was provided.
- York County School of Technology Report – Mrs. Schroeder
- Mrs. Schroeder provided an overview of the Adult and Continuing Education program.
- Mrs. Schroeder thanked everyone for attending the meeting.
- A list of upcoming events was provided.
- The board meeting and committee meeting schedules were provided.
- Mrs. Schroeder noted a meeting change: The regular monthly meeting scheduled for Monday, May 22, 2023 has been changed to Tuesday, May 30, 2023.
- An opportunity was provided for public comment.
- Sarah Reinecker (Spring Garden Township) commented on grant funding.
- The meeting was adjourned at 7:51 p.m.