Minutes 2024-05-28

York Suburban Board Of School Directors
Regular Monthly Meeting
May 28, 2024 – 7 p.m.
York Suburban High School Cafeteria


(Approved June 24, 2024)

  1. General Business – Mrs. Schroeder, Board President
    1. Mrs. Schroeder called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
    2. Board Members Roll Call
      1. Present: Ellen Freireich, Nicole Hesson, Richard Robinson, James Sanders, Rolanda SanMartin, Lois Ann Schroeder, Steve Sullivan, and Ashley Turner.
      2. Absent: Pinal Desai.
    3. Dr. Krauser recognized the 2023-24 retirees
    4. An opportunity was provided for public comments.
      1. The following individuals shared comments regarding the construction and renovation projects:
        1. Bernadette Whittaker (Springettsbury Township)
        2. Dave Arnold (Springettsbury Township)
        3. Sandra Cunningham (Spring Garden)
        4. Joel Sears (Spring Garden Township)
        5. Julie Cunningham (Southern Road)
        6. Chris Sanders (Springettsbury Township)
        7. Sarah Reinecker (Spring Garden Township)
        8. Dan Barker (Springettsbury Township)
        9. Patrice Foley (Spring Garden)
        10. Chawna Griffith-Myers (Spring Garden Township)
        11. Cathy Shaffer (Spring Garden Township)
        12. Jeanne Fermier (Springettsbury Township)
        13. Mary Beliveau (Springettsbury Township)
        14. Alanna Bortolin (Springettsbury Township)
        15. Lori Padahovich (Springettsbury Township)
        16. Cindy Diehl (Spring Garden Township)
      2. Michael Park (Haines Acres) expressed concerns regarding the rules of order.
      3. The following individuals shared comments regarding Policy 903:
        1. Beth Wolp (Spring Garden)
        2. Jeff Kirsch (Springettsbury Township)
      4. Shama Mir (Spring Garden Township) commented on the importance of respectful behavior.
    5. Approval of Minutes
      1. The minutes were approved for the planning committee meeting conducted on May 13, 2024.
  2. Treasurer’s Report – Mr. Desai
    1. Mrs. Kendig presented the Treasurer’s Report in Mr. Desai’s absence. The Board unanimously approved the following financial reports for April 2024 as part of a consent agenda.
      Motion, Robinson, Second, Hesson; Approval. Roll Call Vote, 8 members present, Motion carried 8-0.

      1. Treasurer’s Reports
      2. General Fund Revenue Report
      3. General Fund Expenditure Report
      4. Summary Reports
        1. Capital Project, Capital Reserve, Food Service
      5. Check Summary Reports
        1. General Fund, Food Service, Capital Project, Capital Reserve
      6. Student Activities Fund Revenue Report
      7. Student Activities Fund Expenditure Report
      8. Student Activity Check Summary
  3. Board President’s Report – Mrs. Schroeder
    1. Mrs. Shroeder reported that the Board met in Executive Session on May 28, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., for the purpose of discussing personnel as permitted by Section 707 of the Sunshine Act. No official action was taken.
    2. Mrs. Freireich nominated Mr. Desai for the position of Board Treasurer for the period of July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.
      1. The Board unanimously approved Director Desai as the Board Treasurer for the period of July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025. 
        Motion, Freireich, Second, Robinson; Approval. Roll Call Vote, 8 members present, Motion carried 8-0. 
    3. Mrs. Schroeder presented Student Board Representative Sophia Scalet with a plaque and YS pin for her year of service to the York Suburban School Board. Best of luck to Sophia in her senior year.
  4. Student Board Representative Report – Sophia Scalet
    1. Ms. Scalet reported on the following:
      1. Graduation
      2. Middle School Fun Day
      3. Yorkshire’s Around the World Event
      4. Prom
      5. Senior Activities
  5. Superintendent’s Report – Dr. Krauser
    1. Dr. Krauser presented the Superintendent’s Report.
      1. Focus Topics
        1. Dr. Ellis reported on program updates and student achievements for the 2023-24 school year.
        2. Mr. Seth Wentz provided a project planning and design update.
      2. The Board unanimously approved the authorization of District Administration to employ personnel for positions previously approved by the Board from May 29, 2024, to August 12, 2024, subject to limitations imposed by the 2024-2025 General Fund Budget.
        Motion, Freireich, Second, SanMartin; Approval. Roll Call Vote, 8 members present, Motion carried 8-0.
      3. The following policy revisions were presented for a second read, with the intent that there will be a vote to adopt these policy revisions during the meeting on June 24, 2024. 
        1. Policy 808 – Food Services
        2. Policy 903 – Public Comment in Board Meetings
  6. Business Office Report – Mrs. Kendig
    1. The Board unanimously approved items 1 – 13 as part of a consent agenda.
      Motion, Freireich, Second, Hesson; Approval. Roll Call Vote, 8 members present, yes. Motion carried 8-0. 

      1. The administration recommends the Board approve the Service Agreement with Lincoln Intermediate Unit #12 to provide a Bilingual Speech Evaluation for one (1) student at a rate of $100 per hour for the remainder of the 2023-2024 school year. 
      2. The administration recommends that the Board approve the two (2) year Agreement with Substitute Teacher Service (STS) from July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2026, at a daily rate as outlined in Appendix A of the agreement.
      3. The administration recommends the Board approve the agreement for participation in Child Nutrition Programs with the York County School of Technology for the 2024-2025 school year. 
      4. The administration recommends that the Board approve the Software Services and Support Agreement with Talking Points. From May 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025, this agreement will provide a two-way, multilingual texting platform at a total annual cost of $16,603.50.
      5. The administration recommends that the Board approve the following 2024-25 depositories:
        1. ACNB – Adams County National Bank
        2. PSDLAF – Pennsylvania School District Liquid Asset Fund 
      6. The administration recommends that the Board approve Stock and Leader, Attorneys at Law, as the School District Solicitor for 2024-2025. 
      7. The administration recommends the Board authorize the Business Office to perform all year-end budget transfers, make all necessary revisions to the district fund budget upon the auditor’s final adjustments to financial records, and assign fund balance amounts in accordance with the PA Public School Code and PA Department of Education regulation; and further, the Business Office will report said revisions to the Board during the meeting following the completion of the fiscal year audit.
      8. The administration recommends that the board appoint Michelle Kendig as the primary YATB delegate and Loree Marchese as the alternate delegate.
      9. The Administration recommends the board approve the three-year renewal contract with IXL Learning to provide real-time diagnostic data with personalized student learning plans and differentiated instructional resources beginning August 20, 2024, through August 20, 2027, at a total cost of $76,710.00.

        Year 1

        $38,355 (50%)

        Year 2

        $19,178 (25%)

        Year 3

        $19,177 (25%)

      10. The Administration recommends Board approval of the three-year Memorandum of Understanding with the Harrisburg Area Community College to provide dual credit coursework to qualified York Suburban High School students.
      11. The Administration recommends Board approval of the Dual Credit Agreement with the University of Pittsburgh to provide dual credit coursework to qualified York Suburban High School students for the 2024-25 school year. 
      12. The Administration recommends Board approval of the Act 48 Program Agreement for services with River Rock Academy LLC to deliver Alternative Education services for Disruptive Youth (AEDY) for the 2024-25 school year. 
      13. The Administration recommends Board approval of the Extended School Year Agreement with Specialized Education of Pennsylvania, INC at High Roads of Southern York to provide behavioral health, social, emotional, and special education services to students. The term of this agreement will begin on June 24, 2024 and end on July 25, 2024 for a total cost of $10,682.00.
    2. The administration recommends the Board approve two Amendments to the Professional Services Agreements with Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates.
      1. 3703 Enviro: Supplemental environmental engineering services as outlined in the Geo-Technology Associates, Inc. proposal for scope only. The compensation adjustment as stipulated in Articles 4 and 11 of the Prime Agreement:

        Lump sum $6,000
        10% markup $600
        Total Fee $6,600
      2. 3703 Petrographic Testing: Supplemental petrographic testing services as outlined in the American Engineering Testing proposal #P-0032150 dated March 23, 2024, for scope only. The compensation adjustment as stipulated in Articles 4 and 11 of the Prime agreement:

        Lump sum $7,312
        10% markup $731
        Total Fee $8,043
        Motion, Turner, Second, Hesson; Approval. Roll Call Vote, 8 members present, yes. Motion carried 8-0.
    3. 2024-25 General Fund Budget 
      1. Motion to approve the General Fund Budget for 2024-25,  including all allocations for planned expenditures of $73,416,386, which includes a $200,000 budgetary reserve. 
        Motion, Freireich, Second, Robinson; Approval. Roll Call Vote, 8 members present. Motion carried 7-1 (Nay vote: Sanders)
      2. Motion to approve the following 2024-25 tax rates.
        Motion, Freireich, Second, Robinson; Approval. Roll Call Vote, 8 members present. Motion carried 6-2. (Nay votes: Sanders, SanMartin)

        1. Real estate tax rate at 26.5848 mills. This represents a 3.5% increase and,
        2. 0.5% Earned Income Tax to remain in effect be placed on all residents of the district; and,
        3. 0.5% Real Estate Transfer tax to remain in effect on all real estate transactions of the district. 
      3. Motion to adopt the resolution authorizing the distribution of $1,013,818 state gaming funds to 5,293 eligible homestead properties and 1 farmstead property under Section 342 of Act 1.
        Motion, Freireich, Second, Robinson; Approval. Roll Call Vote, 8 members present, yes. Motion carried 8-0.
    4. The April 2024 Dining Report was provided for informational purposes.
  7. Academic Standards & Curriculum Committee Report – Dr. Sullivan
    1. Dr. Sullivan provided a brief preview of activities for the next few meetings. 
  8. Communications Committee Report – Mrs. Freireich
    1. Mrs. Freireich introduced Rhonda Fourhman, York Suburban’s new Director of Communications and Community Relations. Mrs. Fourhman discussed her goals and activities during her initial week in the role.
  9. Personnel Committee Report – Mr. Robinson
    1. The Board unanimously approved the following items as part of a consent agenda.
      Motion, Robinson, Second, Turner; Approval. Roll Call Vote, 8 members present, yes. Motion carried 8-0.

      1. Employment
        1. Recommend the Board approve Hunter Scott, Marching Band Assistant #3, at York Suburban High School for the 2024-2025 school year with an annual salary of $1,140 (50% split position), in accordance with the YSEA bargaining agreement. This offer is contingent upon successful completion of new hire paperwork. 
        2. Recommend the Board approve Tyler DiGiovanni, Marching Band Assistant #3, at York Suburban High School for the 2024-2025 school year with an annual salary of $1,140 (50% split position), in accordance with the YSEA bargaining agreement. This offer is contingent upon successful completion of new hire paperwork. 
        3. Recommend the Board approve Heather Mundis, Substitute Nurse, at York Suburban School District at the substitute base rate of $135 per day. This offer is contingent upon successful completion of new hire paperwork. 
        4. Recommend the Board approve Alicia Rupert, Speech and Language Pathologist, at York Suburban School District for the 2024-2025 school year with an annual salary of $76, 170, which represents Masters, step 2, of the YSEA bargaining agreement. This offer is contingent upon successful completion of new hire paperwork. 
        5. Recommend the Board approve Katie Langley, Speech and Language Pathologist, at York Suburban School District for the 2024-2025 school year with an annual salary of $76, 170, which represents Masters, step 2, of the YSEA bargaining agreement. This offer is contingent upon successful completion of new hire paperwork. 
        6. Recommend the Board approve Kacie Blum, Certified Schooln Nurse, at York Suburban School District for the 2024-2025 school year with an annual salary of $79,170, which represents Masters, step 5, of the YSEA bargaining agreement. This offer is contingent upon successful completion of new hire paperwork. 
      2. Resignations
        1. Recommend the Board accept the resignation of Greg Richer, Teacher at York Suburban Middle School, effective at the end of the 2023-2024 school year.
      3. Extracurricular
        1. Recommend the Board accept the following salary correction for Annika Reed, High School Marching Band Assistant #2, from $759.50 (25% split position) to $1,519 (50% split position) for the 2024-2025 school year.
      4. Volunteers
        1. Chris Mattingly
        2. Nathaniel Baum
        3. Wendy Hauck
        4. Cristian DeLaCruz
      5. Recommend the board approve the following staff for Summer Enrichment Camps for K-5 or Kindergarten Camp at a stipend of $1200 per camp:
        1. Lawrence Tedesco
        2. Tac Thomas
        3. Cheryl Johnson
        4. John Bordash
        5. Katelyn Hall
        6. Nicole Garner
        7. Jennifer Small
        8. Alexis Keller
        9. Elli Kauffman
        10. Rachel Fry
        11. Annie Childs
        12. Jamie Wolf
        13. Amy Valdez
        14. Dianne Maxwell
        15. Karla Coffman
  10. Property & Finance Committee Report – Mr. Desai (Presented by Mrs. Kendig)
    1. The following Property and Finance Committee recommendations were unanimously approved as part of a consent agenda.
      Motion, Robinson, Second, Sullivan; Approval. Roll Call Vote, 8 members present, yes. Motion carried 8-0

      1. The Property & Finance Committee recommends the Board approve the 2024-25 breakfast and lunch prices as presented.
        $2.60 Elementary
        $2.85 Secondary
        $3.75 Super Meal
        $4.50 Adult
        $4.75 Adult Super Meal
        $1.50 Elementary
        $1.50 Secondary
        $2.15 Adult
      2. The Property & Finance Committee recommends the board approve the Food Service Consulting Contract as presented. 
      3. The Property & Finance Committee recommends the board approve the  2024-25 Johnson Controls Service Agreement in the amount of $20,235.00. 
      4. The Property & Finance Committee recommends the replacement condenser for the walk-in freezer at Yorkshire Elementary School out of the 2024-25 Food Service Budget. The cost not to exceed $9,975.
  11. Lincoln Intermediate Unit Report – Mrs. Freireich
    1. LIU Joint Operating Authority Report
      1. No report was provided.
  12. York Adams Academy Report – Mrs. Freireich
    1. The highlights were presented from the Joint Board of Directors meeting held on May 21, 2024.  
    2. Graduation is Thursday, May 30, 2024.
  13. Legislative Update – Mr. Robinson
    1. Mr. Robinson provided information on the following:
      1. Virtual meeting with Representative Carol Hill Evans on 5/14/24.
      2. Virtual meeting with Representative Wendy Fink on 5/15/24.
      3. HB1422
  14. York Adams Tax Bureau Report – Mrs. Kendig
    1. No report was provided.
  15. York County School of Technology Report – Mrs. Schroeder
    1. Graduation was held on May 23, 2024. 
  16. Recognition of Visitors
  17. Upcoming Events
  18. Board Meeting & Committee Meeting Schedules
  19. Public Comments
    1. The following individuals provided comments regarding the construction and renovation projects:
      1. Bernadette Whittaker (Springettsbury Township)
      2. Chawna Griffith-Myers (Spring Garden Township)
      3. Cathy Shaffer (Spring Garden Township)
      4. Sarah Reinecker (Spring Garden Township)
      5. Mary Beliveau (Springettsbury Township)
      6. Alanna Bortolin (Springettsbury Township)
      7. Aaron Hill (Springettsbury Township)
    2. The following individuals shared comments regarding Policy 903:
      1. Jeff Kirsch (Springettsbury Township)
      2. Cortney Hendrickson (Spring Garden Township)
    3. Twenty-two (22) public comments were submitted electronically.
  20.  Board Comments / Recognitions
    1. Mr. Robinson corrected the dates of his virtual meetings that he mentioned during his Legislative Report.
  21. Adjournment
    1. The meeting was adjourned at 10:52 pm.

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